Release History

Oct 1, 2024


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00017416] Pro Plan – eSignature – Users now have the ability to add eSignature to and uploaded docs via Doc Management.
  • [00016052] Entities – Added a new field under contacts for “Title/Role/Position/Dept” on Customer, Carrier, and Location profiles.
  • [00015564] Load Building – Improved the date/time entry on the edit stops page.
  • [00011650] Trucker Tools – We now display the Trucker Tools arrival / departure times in Edit Stops actual date/time column.

Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00017764] Resolved an issue with the option to View Load Log not defaulting to Premium Plan only in Basic accounts.
  • [00017703] Resolved an issue with validating RMIS client domains.
  • [00015741] Resolved an issue where some users were unable to switch branches unless they are assigned to more than 2 branches.
  • [00017004] Removed TPay from automatically appearing at the bottom of carrier confirmations.
  • [00017564] Resolved an issue where clicking on “Settings” under Factoring brings you to the dashboard.
  • [00017804] Resolved an issue where empty branches could not be deleted.
  • [00017875] Resolved an issue with the LTL Loads tab being blocked by ProPlan.

Sep 5, 2024


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00017207] Pro Plan – Added a Brand New Subscription Tier, The Pro Plan, that is available for $149.00 Per User, Per Month. This new tier features the updates listed below, with more to come in the next few weeks.
  • [00017176] Pro Plan - Shipper CRM Live – Each week, each user will have 10 new credits for leads they can search using Shipper CRM’s database. Users will be able to then add the leads as customers if they so wish. Lead credits reset Monday at midnight. Users forever have access to their lead search history.
  • [00017458] Pro Plan – eSignature – AscendTMS now has the ability to email eSignature requests from within the load documents for Customer and Carrier Confirmations.
  • [00017215] Pro Plan – KPI Reporting – All new customizable reporting tool with the ability to add both bar and combo charts, with extensive customization options and the ability to export all reports.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00017569] Load Searching - Resolved an issue with searching and booking through CH Robinson.
  • [00017262] General - Removed all CarrierHQ references.
  • [00017686] Assigning a Carrier to a Load - Resolved an issue where the carrier drop down within a load only had the first 100 carriers visible in the list.
Aug 6, 2024


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00016121] Dashboard – Added the ability to filter by branch in the Picks & Drops Widget.
  • [00016632] Entities – Added true pagination to Customer and Location list pages.
  • [00016636] Carriers List – Added true pagination to improve the user experience.
  • [00016674] Accounting - Indexed AR/AP and added true pagination to improve the user experience.
  • [00017227] Motive – Added the ability to update an In-Progress load/dispatch in Motive.

Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00016513] Dashboard - Resolved an issue with the Picks & Drops widget being limited to 12 stops.
  • [00017264] Carriers - Resolved an issue where the Insurance limit in Carrier Profiles was not saving on the first attempt.
  • [00017334] Carriers - Resolved an issue where changing the Load status on a Carrier Profile would temporarily make the “Monitored by RMIS” flag disappear.
  • [00017335] Accounting - Resolved an issue with the “Container Number” column in the AR/AP.
  • [00017433] Carriers - Resolved an issue where the Carrier Profile Primary Contact was not showing in the profile.
  • [00017436] Settings - Resolved an issue with the Permission for Roles.
  • [00017459] General - Resolved an issue with Page Title Icons being  on the incorrect pages.

Jul 8, 2024


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00001038] EDI – Added a button to send EDI 210 Billing from Accounting Management.
  • [00016970] Load Management – Updated the load posting page to show all load posting partners with marketing info.

Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00017221] Carrier Management- Resolved an issue where you were unable to remove the last remaining Insurance Type in the carrier profiles, and removed the feature that auto adds BIPD & Cargo Insurance on existing carrier profiles.
  • [00017072] Motive - Resolved an issue where documents could be blocked from being dispatched by Motive.
  • [00017218] Sample Loads- Resolved an issue with miles/route not calculating on sample loads.
  • [00017245] Accounting - Resolved an issue with bulk archiving loads in accounting.
  • [00017326] Load Management- Resolved an issue where recording a bill in Load Management did not show payment method or payment terms.
  • [00017337] Load Posting - Resolved an issue with scrolling within the load posting modal.
  • [00017339] Load Posting- Resolved an issue with reposting loads to TruckStop.

Jun 19, 2024


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00000319]Carrier Onboarding/Monitoring - Truckstop RMIS Integration, including new AWE rules based on RMIS Certification Statuses.
  • [00016970]Load Posting - Added all load posting partners with marketing info to the Load Posting Page.
  • [00016705]Load Building - Changed the “Send Cancel Confirmation” modal to a banner when removing a carrier from a load.
  • [00006771]Entities - Added New Menu items to the top of the Carriers, Customers, and Locations pages to replace the “right-click” menu options.
  • [00017107]Settings - Updated language on Load Source Settings page for several load boards.
  • [00016147]Replaced all “Smart Capacity” logos with “Trucker Tools” logos.
  • [00017002]Settings - Updated all buttons on the Load Posting/Source Settings page to be consistent.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00016332]Documents - Resolved an issue where PDFs being attached to Carrier entities were being shown as “null”.

May 7, 2024


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00016410]LTL - Modified Order creation to have two columns, one with required info and another with optional info.
  • [00016411]LTL - Carriers and Rates from UShip are now displayed within Ascend.
  • [00016412]LTL - Added the ability to add markups, create and send quotes to customers, and book shipments and create LTL Loads from orders within Ascend.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00016868]Resolved an issue with the QuickBooks Online integration not including the customer address.
  • [00016895]Resolved an issue where the Load Posting Error message was cut off.

Apr 10, 2024


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00015454]Reporting - Added Bill reference number to AR/AP Report as column. This column will not display by default, but you may add it to your report using the "Customize Columns" button and select it.
  • [00015870]Carrier List – Added multi-select option to Carrier list to allow bulk delete on your "View Carriers" list.
  • [00016050]Accounting - Added search option for mapping vendors/customers for Quickbooks Online users under the Accounting/Quickbooks menu.
  • [00016321]Carrier Profiles- Added new insurance types to your Carrier profile pages.
  • [00016337]Customer List - Added column to display Customer ID/Ref number under your "View Customers" list.
  • [00016396]Accounting - Added Container # column to the AR/AP Report. This column will not display by default, but you may add it to your report using the "Customize Columns" button and select it.
  • [00016642]Reporting - Added Bill Reference Number column as an option under "Customize Your Report".
  • [00016593]Dashboard - Added the new "Top Ten Customers" Widget.
  • [00016594]Dashboard - Added the new "Top Ten Lanes" Widget.
  • [00016681]Load Posting - Added TruckSmarter Integration for load posting.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00016684]Corrected a typo in settings under AWE Rule "Actionable Item" Save button.
  • [00016755]Resolved an issue with times being sent to Denim incorrectly.

Mar 20, 2024


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00004441]Reporting - Added Lane History Search in Reporting and from within Loads.
  • [00016307]Converted Carrier, Customer, and Location List pages to React.
  • [00016706]Permissions - Added new permissions regarding Lane History Search.

Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00016276] Resolved an issue with filtering Carriers by branch.
  • [00016391]Added a link for the Ascend Portal on the Carrier/Asset slide out panel.
  • [00016550]Resolved an issue with ampersands when creating a new entity.
  • [00016689]Resolved an issue with time conversions when dispatching to Motive.

Feb 29, 2024


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00015256] Reporting - Include Reference number on the AR/AP Report export.
  • [00015594] Reporting - Ability to see load information from within the AR/AP Report.
  • [00016329] Reporting - Convert AR/AP Reports to React.
  • [00016355] Reporting - Added “Past Due” to the AR/AP Reports.
  • [00015161] Documents - Added Cancelled Rate Confirmation.
  • [00016008] System - Upgrade Nodejs version for "black box" external integrations.
  • [00016378] Carrier Profile - Added Public Note box.
  • [00015523] Denim - Added a bi-directional Integration to receive factoring status updates in order to automatically update payment status.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00016498] Resolved an issue with System Reports not showing the correct dates.
  • [00016573] Resolved an issue where the Payment Terms hint was showing underneath the DOT field within Customer Profiles.
  • [00016574] Updated the “Release History” link  to now point to a new external URL on our public website.
  • [00016606] Resolved an issue where the Driver list sorting was breaking the pagination resulting in a blank page.
  • [00016048] Resolved an issue with recording payments across multiple carriers with the same remit-to address.
  • [00016602] Resolved an issue with some  home terminal Cities on driver profile breaking the page.

Feb 6, 2024


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00015162] Commissions Mgmt - Added pick up date column to Commissions Mgmt.
  • [00015593] Accounting - Added the ability to filter by “Paperwork not marked ok”.
  • [00016047] Accounting - Ability to see the remit to address on the Bills tab in accounting.
  • [00016048] Accounting - Added the ability to record a payment across multiple carriers with the same remit to address.
  • [00015915] Integrated Load Sources - Removed Convoy from Load Searching and Settings page.
  • [00001461] Load Mgmt - Added the ability to view Private Location Notes from within a load.
  • [00015379] Documents - Added “NOA” as a document type when uploading a document.
  • [00015382] Load Mgmt - Added the ability to customize the email subject line when emailing documents from a load.
  • [00015591] Documents - Added a new BOL with additional signature lines for multi-stop loads.
  • [00015751] Customer Profile - Added Trucker Tools option to Customer Identification field.
  • [00015814] Load Mgmt - Added Carrier, Customer, and Location notes in the “click-to-see” data in Load Mgmt.
  • [00015815] Load Mgmt - Added Public & Private notes from customer, carrier, and location profiles within loads.
  • [00016164] Documents - Added the option for payment terms to read “Due upon receipt” by adding “0” days in the payment terms field.
  • [00016277] Permissions - Added a Permission that prevents users from running reports aside from what has been shared with them.
  • [00015324] Documents - Added a new load document, "Blind bill of lading".
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00016334] Resolved an issue with new location name and address details not loading into new location profile creation process from EDI tenders.
  • [00016369] Resolved an issue with new locations not auto-filling in EDI tenders after location profile is created.
  • [00016340] Resolved an issue with addresses in carrier profiles.
  • [00016348] Resolved an issue with the insurance fields in the carrier profiles.
  • [00016422] Resolved an issue with the Home Terminal City not saving in Driver Profiles.
  • [00016468] Resolved an issue where a user without certain permissions was still able to adjust Customer Credit limits and enable credit holds.
Jan 16, 2024


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00015799] LTL - LTL Order Additions to Documents, added the Freight Details from the Edit Stops page to the Carrier Confirmations and BOLs.
  • [00015800] LTL - LTL Order Additions, NMFC, and Freight class fields were added.
  • [00016010] Assets - Rereshed all the Asset pages (Ex. Driver Profiles, Truck Profiles, Trailer Profiles.
  • [00016015] Customer Profile - Added additional shipper-specific ID numbers to Customer Profile Pages.
  • [00016045] Carrier Profile - Added “Hot Shot” to freight mode list.
  • [00016283] Added an error message on the slide-out panel for any deleted entities or profiles.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00016154] Resolved an issue on the Carrier Profile where selecting a dollar amount under the insurance amount does not always apply to the selected option.
  • [00016183] Resolved an issue with the color column within the “Edit Drop Down List” disappearing.
  • [00016189] Resolved an issue with the Financial amounts sometimes rounding up.
  • [00016223] Resolved an issue with there being duplicate models in drop-down lists.
  • [00016228] Resolved an issue with Power Units and Trailers being created with “”Unnamed” title.
  • [00016314] Resolved an issue that was marking all new carriers as “OK to Load”.
  • [00016344] Resolved an issue on the Carrier Profile slide-out panel where the Factoring Company name was covering the address.
  • [00016346] Resolved an issue where the Public Notes section from the Customer slide-out panel was not updating the Customer Profile.
Dec 27, 2023


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00015457] Load Building - Added a new quick edit option for entity profiles from within a load via a slide-out panel.
  • [00015885] Documents - Added the ability to drag and drop files for uploading.
  • [00015839] Reporting - Added the option to allow a user to schedule the emailing/exporting of a saved report according to a specified time period/cadence.
  • [00016157] Permissions - Added permissions to allow users to schedule the emailing of reports, allow reports to be emailed to an outside email address, and allow a user to delete schedules that were created by other users.
  • [00016000] Updated Customer, Carrier, and Location Profiles pages to React.

Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00015730] Resolved an issue with duplicate trailer makes listed.
  • [00016021] Resolved an issue with the modal when building a load from a load template.
Dec 4, 2023


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00008275] Reporting - New - Added user customizable reporting output.
  • [00015493] Reporting - Added the ability to customize column layout on reports in system and exports.
  • [00015494] Reporting - Added the ability to add Pay Items and User Roles as columns in reports.
  • [00015495] Reporting - Added the ability to choose sharing options when saving a report.
  • [00016156] Permissions - Added permission that allows users to save, edit, and delete reports.
  • [00015337] Legal Center - Added Taylor and Nelson Legal Center widget to the Dashboard.
  • [00015939] Legal Center - Added Taylor and Nelson Legal Center area under the "Settings" menu.
  • [00015940] Legal Center - Added the ability to contact Taylor Nelson LP directly from the Legal Center to request a consultation.
  • [00015938] Legal Center - Added a link to the Legal Center from the area where you edit your Terms and Conditions for any of your load documents.
  • [00016077] Permissions - Added a new permission regarding the Legal Center.
  • [00015057] Documents - Added new option for document font.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00015820] Resolved an issue with the “Post Load” and “Copy/Cancel” buttons overlapping in Load Actions.
  • [00016040] Resolved an issue with Insurance not importing over from My Carrier Packets.
  • [00016101] Resolved an issue with all templates not being visible after a branch was deleted.
  • [00016153] Resolved an issue with Power Unit/Trailer not assigned to a load when assigning a carrier.
  • [00016158] Resolved an issue for some users with the Load Management Summary Widget.
Nov 15, 2023


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00014851] Dashboard - Updated the Dashboard to a new modern look, as well as updates to all widgets to include more information. Also added a new widget for Ascend updates and announcements. Added the ability to remove or add widgets as well. Click HERE to read more about the new Dashboard.
  • [00014333] Edit Stops - Added modified Stop Actions.
  • [00014652] Motive - Updates to Driver Sync Modal.
  • [00015254] Load Management - Added the ability to update load status from the Load Management screen's Shortcut menu.
  • [00015296] Roles/Permissions - Added the ability for users to add themselves as a role on a load. The new permission reads "Allow user to View/Assign/Manage Only Their Own Load Roles on a load".
  • [00015378] Assets - Added Tramcar to the list of trailer makes.
  • [00015595] Assets - Added Man to the list of power unit makes.
  • [00004446] Order Management - Cancelling a load now automatically removes POs on that load.
  • [00005005] Order Management - Added a warning to let users know a PO exists on a load before deleting stop.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00015838] Removed the ability to save blank regions under “Customize my Regions” on the carrier profiles.
  • [00015868] Changed the limit amount for insurances from a free form field to editable dropdown.
  • [00015946] Resolved an issue when removing more than one carrier in a row.
  • [00015994] Resolved an issue where the Primary Contact list within the load was not updating.
Oct 27, 2023


New Features & Enhancements
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00015912] Load Documents - Carrier emails not showing when you email docs.
  • [00015844] Carrier Profile - Resolved issue with some MCP insurance info not coming over.
  • [00015866] Loads - Updated the messages on the loads about insurance not being updated.
  • [00015865] Carrier Profile - Created Insurance “Templates” in the carrier profiles when users create new carriers.
  • [00015851] Factoring - Resolved issue where carrier info was not upating TBC and/or TriumphPay for some users.
Oct 12, 2023


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00014551] Carrier List - New fields added to Carrier List from Carrier Profile.
  • [00014553] Carrier Profile - Added Insurance Tab with more information fields in Carrier Profiles.
  • [00014554] Carrier Profile - Added Equipment Tab in Carrier Profile.
  • [00014555] Carrier Profile - Added Commodities Tab in Carrier Profile.
  • [00014556] Carrier Profile - Added Lanes Tab in Carrier Profile along with the ability to customize regions.
  • [00014557] Carrier Profile - Added modal to Customize Regions for quick add of lanes.
  • [00014558] Carrier Profile - Added Drivers tab in Carrier Profile.
  • [00014559] Carrier Profile - Added Certifications tab in Carrier Profile.
  • [00015077] Carrier Profile - Created Accountability log for Carrier entity edits.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00015465] Resolved an issue with the “View Carrier Profile” link on the Carrier Info tab on a load.
Jul 31, 2023


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00007204]Load functions - Added the ability to Copy, Cancel or Archive a load from the Load Actions menu within a load. And added the ability to Copy an archived load without first unarchiving it.
  • [00015168] Document Headers and Footers - Added the ability to include dynamic information from the load in customizable document headers and footers, such as load id, organization name & the name, email or phone of user/dispatcher, customer &/or carrier.
  • [00015232] Driver Pay Management - If driver is deleted, added ability to clean up driver pay items.
  • [00015392] DAT - Added additional equipment truck types for posting load.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00015303] Resolved an issue with Driver Pay Management by adding the ability to support alternate bi-weekly cadence
  • [00015330] Resolved an issue with Driver Pay Management to account for years with 53 week pay periods.
Jul 10, 2023


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00002848] Settings - Added PTV routing options to Company Settings and to load building.
  • [00009578] Accounting - Added the ability to exclude line items from the gross income for Driver Pay and Commissions.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00015167] Documents - Intermodal/Dray container number and last free day now show on confirmation.
  • [00015291] Truckstop - Fixed an issue with truck type mapping.
Jun 19, 2023


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00015035] Motive - Added location Notes and Driver Instructions to Motive Dispatch.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00014611] Motive - Modified the event entries in an order that matches the Driver Mobile updates.
  • [00014891] Settings - Fixed an issue with scrolling in Add or Edit Users.
  • [00015067] Load Management - Fixed an issue with the “Reset all tabs to default” in Load Management settings.
  • [00015134] AWE Rules - Added missing “En Route to Pick Up” status for the "Set Load/Truck Status based on Check Call Status" rule.
  • [00004456] Order Management - Fixed an issue where removing POs from a load's pickup or delivery, would send you back to the “Edit Stops” page.
May 30, 2023


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00004939] Ascend Portal - Created new Alerting recipient: “User(s) Assigned to Load” to AscendPortal alerts.
  • [00004940] Ascend Portal - AWE Rule: Set Load Status when Actionable Item arrives from portal.
  • [00014803] EDI - Now displaying the Load Number if 204 “Delete” Set Purpose is Received After Accepting/Building Load.
  • [00015046] Driver Pay Management - Added load information to the “Approve” tab.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00014889] Resolved an issue with recording a sent invoice from the financials tab.
  • [00014890] Resolved an issue where standard users were not able to change the branch of an entity.
  • [00015024] Resolved an issue with the branch dropdown.
  • [00015130] Resolved an issue with the dashboard showing before a load opens in load management.
May 17, 2023


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00015060] Driver Pay Management - Added the ability to undo scheduled migrated items that were previously marked as paid.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00015063] Load/Order Management - Improvements to Load Management and Order Management filter settings backend.
May 8, 2023


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00000983] Driver Pay Management - Added the ability to update pay status in bulk.
  • [00007443] Driver Pay Management - Added the ability to add a “one time payment” to a driver’s pay.
  • [00007571] Driver Pay Management - Driver Pay Management is now located within Accounting.
  • [00008159] Driver Pay Management - Added the ability to create and edit pay periods.
  • [00009136] Driver Pay Management - Added the ability to mark Driver Pay items approved at the load level.
  • [00009137] Driver Pay Management - Added new Permissions that relate to Driver Pay Management.
  • [00013700] Driver Pay Management - Added a “Driver Advance” section to load financials.
  • [00014753] Driver Pay Management - Added load pay/deduction items tab to Driver Pay Settings.
  • [00014757] Driver Pay Management - Added a migration wizard to allow users to migrate their data from Legacy Driver Pay to New Driver Pay.
  • [00015022] Driver Pay Management - Added new AWE Rules pertaining to Driver Pay Management.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00013388] Resolved an issue with MCP not importing insurance expiration/cancellation date correctly.
  • [00014747] Resolved an issue with the primary contact’s phone number not showing on documents.
Apr 17, 2023


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00013268] Load Management - When copying loads or building loads from a template, ensure entities to be copied are valid and active.
  • [00014650] Load Management - Made creation date visible on load information and on load management table.
  • [00014651] Load Management - Added temperature column on load management table.
  • [00014413] Permissions - Added Permission “Allow user to view or send Load Documents”.
  • [00014450] Permissions - Removed Permission “Allow user to purchase cargo insurance”.
  • [00014578] AWE Rules - Added “Prevent a carrier from being assigned to a load if Tax ID is missing”.
  • [00014643] Reporting - Added option to search by role.
  • [00014610] EDI - Equipment length dropdown on load build page now always visible.
  • [00014817] Customers - Added “ShipperCRM” link to the Customers page and to the Shipper Directory .
  • [00014923] AscendSmartTender - Carrier info no longer is required to be on a Rate Confirmation/Tender in order to be processed properly.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00014764] AscendSmartTender - Resolved issue with filename sometimes not being stored for incoming rate confirmation/tender causing issues when factoring load.
  • [00014874] Resolved an issue with sending Intellivites to Carriers via My Carrier Packets.
  • [00014587] Resolved an issue with Trial accounts not being treated as Premium with My Carrier Packets set up.
  • [00014482] Resolved an issue with intermittent “Whoa There” message triggering due to AWE rule with Primary Insurance on a carrier.
  • [00014599] Resolved an issue with EDI UI where dropdown lists were getting “stuck” on screen.
  • [00014759] Resolved an issue with the “Last Contact” column not updating correctly.
  • [00014796] Resolved an issue with not being able to upload docs when the access to Doc Management permission is turned off.
  • [00014800] Resolved an issue with a modal window being displayed when user does not have permission to send load to accounting.
  • [00014813] Resolved an issue with the load number not displaying correctly on a modal window when sending the load to accounting from within documents attached to the load.
  • [00014584] Resolved an issue where Invoices or Bills could be recorded from a load without selecting a company.
Mar 21, 2023


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00014117] Motive – Driver Dispatch & Workflow. Syncing Drivers to Motive app.
  • [00014118] Motive – Receiving updates for the driver via Motive app in Load Log.
  • [00014119] Motive - Documents uploaded to Motive app will be visible within the Load Documents or Doc Processing (if no Load ID is referenced during upload).
  • [00014327] Enhanced Load Source Settings page to a tabbed view and updated verbiage for clarity between “Company” and “Personal” settings.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00012458] Rebranded KeepTruckin to Motive for Load Posting and ELD integration.
  • [00013639] Rebranded Axle to Denim.
  • [00014517] Update Transflo API to v1.2.
  • [00011916] Resolved an issue in the Asset Driver profile where the date could not be removed/deleted.
  • [00014569] Resolved issue with PTV mileage calculations timed out due to amount of stops being calculated.
  • [00014483] Corrected Temperature field so 0 degrees appears correctly on Load Documents.
  • [00014487] Corrected the stop appointment scheduling modal to ensure a date needs to be entered prior to saving..
  • [00014546] Resolved refresh issue on the Permissions page to ensure newly created Permission Group(s) are visible immediately.
  • [00014549] Resolved appointment time formatting on EDI Tenders.
  • [00013973] Updated the UI handling of Equipment/Truck Length for all sources that create Incoming Tenders (EDI, AscendSmartTender, BIN)
Feb 10, 2023


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00002726] Locations - Added search function to allow user to search Locations by address, city and state in Universal Search and on the Add/Edit Stop page within loads.
  • [00012504] Load Searching - Enhanced date/time format in Load Searching for Truckstop, DAT and 123Loadboard to ensure Pickup and Delivery date windows are displayed on results to include time of day.
  • [00013996] AscendLTL – Location Requirements will be checked off automatically on the 'Locations' and 'AscendLTL' pages based on the 'Location Class' selected.
  • [00014384] FourKites - Updated integration request email address to
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00002547] Resolved an issue with IIF files improperly importing Bill Date to QuickBooks Desktop.
  • [00014215] Resolved an issue with manually edited miles displaying when creating a mileage based line item in Financials.
  • [00014220] Resolved an issue with verbiage on Carrier Profile regarding payment method.
  • [00014263] Resolved an issue with Carrier contact phone extensions not being listed on load documents.
  • [00014374] Resolved an issue with carriage return/line breaks on Location Notes.
  • [00014383] Resolved an issue with Location contact phone extensions not being shown on load documents.
  • [00014421] Resolved an issue with the report exports displaying data incorrectly in columns when AscendLTL loads do not have load status associated with them.
  • [00014483] Resolved an issue with temperatures not appearing on load documents if the trailer temp was set to "0".
Jan 19, 2023


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00013048] AscendSmartTender – AscendSmartTender converts load tenders that you receive via email, from your customers, to loads in AscendTMS in an instant. The process is super simple, forward the email that contains your load tender to AscendSmartTender. Within minutes you will be able view the tender in AscendTMS and build a load from it instantly. For more information on how to get started with AscendSmartTender, just email us at
  • [00009040] Load Post Settings – Added the ability to map your custom Truck Types to Load Source Partners Equipment types.
  • [00012871] Load Post Settings - Added Commodity mapping to Load Post commodities. Enhanced Asset Trailers, Power Units and Drivers pages with added filters.
  • [00014262] Load Post - Enhanced Load Posting modal with hyperlinks to Equipment/Truck Type and Commodity mapping within Settings.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00004412] Resolved an issue with Universal Search not returning Load results in certain cases.
  • [00014164] Resolved an issue on account creation page with password confirmation and promo codes.
  • [00013881] Resolved an issue with the NOA stamp placement for PCG factoring.
  • [00013848] Resolved an issue with Uber Freight tool tip formatting.
Nov 29, 2022


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00007718] AscendLTL: enable LTL Order creation and management, building of LTL loads from shipment orders, and managing LTL Loads in Load Management.
  • [00012968] uShip Integration – Enable sending LTL Orders to uShip, receiving LTL quotes from multiple LTL carriers, booking LTL Load and receiving load updates from uShip.
  • [00013766] Load Factoring - Quickpay Funding has been added as another one of our integrated factors. Clients of Quickpay Funding can now factor their loads directly from AscendTMS.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00013622] Enhanced Load Reporting to perform searches with double-spacing between search terms.
  • [00013931] Improved error handling with MyCarrierPackets carrier import process.
  • [00013949] Resolved a stalling issue with MyCarriePackets carrier import process.
Nov 1, 2022


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00001346] Comdata Permitting Services - Integration to allow purchase of state/province temporary trip and fuel permits, evaluation of routes to determine need for state permits, added permit logs to power units.
  • [00013061] Permission Groups - Permission added to deny user access to Doc Management.
  • [00013522] Uber Freight - Contact info added for specialized AscendTMS Uber Freight representative to return negotiating power to the carrier, even for Book Now loads.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00013576] Minor adjustments to Carrier Onboarding/Monitoring Settings.
  • [00013615] Resolved an issue with Commissions Management reporting date formatting.
  • [00013748] Resolved an issue with External Load Sources Settings.
  • [00013468] Resolved an issue with load updates sent to Transflo Mobile+.
  • [00013153] Minor adjustments to Load Posting Settings.
Oct 14, 2022

New Features & Enhancements
  • [00013021] Rates – Replaced InstaRate with AscendAccuRate. AscendAccuRate rates come from millions of historical AND future real, live, actual AscendTMS loads on the lane you are querying based on over 42,000 origin/destination US postal codes. You're seeing the average "all-in" price paid to the actual truck to move the load.
  • [00013609] Rates - A new Spatial Heat Map has been added to AscendAccuRate. This heat map displays the average "All-In Rate Per Mile" for loads with the specified equipment type originating at the specified Pickup location and delivering to locations across the U.S. based on over 42,000 US postal codes. The colors on the map and the key indicate the range of rates and relative number of loads for each lane.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
Sep 20, 2022


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00012952] TriumphPay – Updated Carrier Payment settings with new TriumphPay logo.
  • [00013258] MyCarrierPackets – Option to “Request COI” as-needed within your Carrier Profile.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00012919] Resolved an issue when removing a Customer from a load left entity data visible on that page after it was removed.
  • [00013415] Resolved an issue where Basic subscribers had access to MyCarrierPackets.
  • [00013433] Resolved an issue where “View Carrier Profile” button from inside a load was resulting in an error on the first attempt.
  • [00013524] Resolved an issue where the MyCarrierPackets file size was over a certain limit preventing the file transfer to happen.
Aug 30, 2022


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00012390] Carrier Onboarding/Monitoring Settings - Authenticate with MyCarrierPackets and AssureAdvantage.
  • [00012593] MyCarrierPackets - Bulk import carrier profile information and completed carrier packets.
  • [00012605] MyCarrierPackets - Download and save carrier packet documents to Document Management.
  • [00013102] MyCarrierPackets - Carrier insurance information is instantly updated when a carrier profile is opened.
  • [00013003] Load Management - A View Carrier Profile button was added to the Carrier/Asset Info tab of loads.
  • [00012477] Automated Workflow Engine - Restrict assignment of a carrier to loads based on MyCarrierPackets Assure Advantage Risk Assessment.
  • [00012478] Automated Workflow Engine - Restrict assignment of a carrier to loads based on MyCarrierPackets Carrier Rating.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00013281] Resolved an issue with information from AscendLTL Loads tab in Load Management being applied to all tabs in Load Management.
  • [00013068] The Processing action was removed from the AscendSmartTenders tab under Incoming Tenders for AscendSmartTenders beta testing.
Aug 8, 2022


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00012628] Loads & Reporting – New field added to Load Basics for Container and Container Return Date, which correlates to new Reporting search criteria to "Search By Last Free Day (container").
  • [00012783] Assets - Enhanced Trailers, Power Units and Drivers Info pages (list view) with new filter options. Users can now filter their asset lists by the following columns: [Drivers] - 'Status', 'Driver Type', 'License Type/Class', 'Ownership', 'Registered with Transflo'; [Trailers] & [Power Units] - 'Status', 'Purchased or Leased', 'Ownership'; [Asset Groups] - 'Status'.
  • [00012898] Assets - Enhanced Asset Power Unit page with quick navigation to 'Edit Fleet Insurance' and get 'Instant Insurance Quotes from CarrierHQ'.
  • [00012944] Assets - Enhanced Asset Trailer page with quick navigation to 'Edit Fleet Insurance' and get 'Instant Insurance Quotes from CarrierHQ'.
  • [00012998] Universal Search/Carrier Verification - Carrier Verification on the 'Universal Search' tool has been rebranded as AscendCVQ.
  • [00013063] Loads - AscendLTL tab has been added to Load Management for instant, direct wholesale quotes from uShip.
  • [00013064] Loads - A new menu item has been added to Loads menu for 'Fast LTL Quotes' via uShip.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00012895] Resolved an issue in Carrier entity profiles that displayed several Factoring Company addresses as null.
  • [00013128] Resolved an issue with generated BOL documents not displaying the Load Reference numbers as expected.
  • [00013078] Resolved an issue in the Load building process where the 'Automated Workflow Engine' rule wasn't being triggered properly when assigning a carrier to the load based on certain data points not being selected.
  • [00013066] Resolved an issue in the Load building process where a driver was not accurately saving to the load database, causing corrupted load data for some users.
Jul 18, 2022


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00013048] AscendSmartTender is now in Beta testing! For more information on how to participate in the Beta program, please vist the 'EDI/Tenders' menu item, or see our help article by clicking here.
  • [00013000] Load Factoring - Orange Commercial Credit has been added as another one of our integrated factors. Clients of Orange Commercial Credit can now factor their loads directly to them from AscendTMS.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00013028] Resolved an issue with DAT Rateview where the frame was loading a blank white screen.
Jun 29, 2022

New Features & Enhancements
  • [00012900] Settings – Visually enhanced Insurance Information page.
  • [00012902] Settings - Expanded address field and arrangement of fields within Insurance Information page.
  • [00012903] Settings - Coverage and Deductible fields on Insurance Information page have been changed to numeric currency input.
  • [00012911] Dashboard - uShip LTL widget hyperlink has been updated to new landing page.
  • [00012916] AscendTMS Login - AscendLTL Logo has been added to login page.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00012908] Resolved an issue in Customer entity profiles that saved updated profile edits into Shared branch by default.
Jun 22, 2022


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00011172] Settings - User directed customer, carrier and location bulk data import process is expanded and renewed.
  • [00012583] Settings - Company insurance settings are available for management of various commercial, business, property and liability insurance types.
  • [00012584] Settings - Company insurance alerting features keep track of insurance expiration dates and forewarn users to renew at customizable intervals.
  • [00012611] Dashboard - uShip Ugly Freight widget updated.
  • [00012613] Dashboard - uShip LTL widget added with link to get easy LTL rate quotes.
  • [00012622] Load Management - Commodity, Truck Status, Gross Profit and Gross Profit Margin columns added with intuitive search, sort and filter functionality.
  • [00012430] Locations - Validation added to Location profiles to ensure Name of Location and Location Address are present before saving the profile.
  • [00012475] EDI - Incoming Tenders table has been enhanced to refresh in real-time.
  • [00012089] Axle Payments - Load Reference ID / Numbers field of Load Basics tab is now transmitted as "Purchase Order" or "PO" when factoring with Axle Payments.
  • [00012748] Axle Payments - Factoring submissions will be processed with missing or incorrect Document Type tags.
  • [00012502] Automated Workflow Engine - Enhanced AWE rules will ensure Load Status updates take place reliably.
  • [00012815] Transflo - Integration enhanced to ensure Load Log datetimes match datetimes recorded in Edit Stops tab of loads.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00012516] Resolved an issue in the EDI load building process due to missing location IDs.
  • [00012517] Resolved an issue in the EDI load building process by introducing location validation.
May 12, 2022


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00012366] TriumphPay - TriumphPay Icon has been added to Bills submitted for Carrier Payments, giving visibility into Payment/Submission status.
  • [00012427] External Load Sources - Load Posting updated with enhanced Posting Status verification to ensure accuracy and avoid duplication/error(s) of load posting action.
  • [00012352] External Load Sources - Load Search Results and Additional Information updated for C.H. Robinson, Convoy, LoadSmart, TQL and Uber Freight with enhanced Date/Time formatting of appointment windows.
  • [00012204]EDI/Tenders - Loading spinner added after you "Accept & Build Load" from EDI tender to account for load creation time.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00011857] Resolved an issue with User Roles tied to an Asset Driver being added when an Automated Workflow Engine violations prevented Driver assignment on the load. Additionally, User Role assignments are now documented in the load Accountability Log.
  • [00012176] Resolved an issue with EDI "Reject Tender" option not redirecting user back to Preview/Process tenders screen correctly and added error/success banners to improve user experience.
  • [00012209] Resolved an intermittent issue on Factoring Settings page which was causing users to appear as not connected in error until they refreshed.
  • [00012205] Resolved an issue with mileage not calculating properly for Army/Naval Bases and Restricted areas.
  • [00011573] Resolve an issue with credentials being removed when a user has been removed from the account.
Apr 18, 2022


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00011441] External Load Sources - Book Now and Electronic Load Tendering functionality from Uber Freight.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00012417] Resolved an issue with equipment types posting incorrectly to NextLoad.
Apr 4, 2022


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00012217] Dashboard - A new Dashboard widget provides information about CarrierLists services.
  • [00012237] Dashboard - A new Dashboard widget provides information about uShip services.
  • [00012343] Factoring Integrations - FARO Factoring is the latest addition to the Freight Factoring & Freight Payments Network.
  • [00012207] External Load Sources - Load search results for C.H. Robinson, Convoy and Uber Freight will appear with enhanced Pickup Date format including appointment times.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00012345] Resolved an issue which prevented Load Posting Notes/Comments from being properly posted to the KeepTruckin Smart Load Board.
Mar 29, 2022


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00009483] Factoring Integrations - An expansive new Freight Factoring & Freight Payments Network is deployed.
  • [00012180] Factoring Integrations - A National Solutions, FourWinds Capital Group, iThrive Funding, OperFi and Pay4Freight are the first new factors available in the new Freight Factoring & Freight Payments Network.
  • [00002727] Carriers - A comprehensive drop-down list of factoring companies and their payable addresses has been added to outside carrier profiles.
  • [00004432] TriumphPay - Notice of assignment details are automatically removed from documents if TriumphPay API is disconnected.
  • [00006142] TriumphPay - Carrier Payment Settings are now fully separated from Triumph Business Capital Factoring Settings.
  • [00010938] Automated Workflow Engine - New AWE rule prevents company drivers from being assigned to loads if medical, license or TWIC have expired.
  • [00011167] Automated Workflow Engine - New AWE rule prevents asset equipment from being assigned to loads if tag, inspection, registration or insurance have expired.
  • [00012063] Asset Groups - Various user experience and feature enhancements are applied within Asset Group profiles and the Asset Group profile list.
  • [00011567] Trucker Tools - Equipment length and appointment date/time windows are now passed to Smart Capacity and Load Tracking.
  • [00012019] Commissions Management - Enhanced Commissions Management framework and indexing greatly improves speed and reliability.
  • [00012088] UPS Capital/InsureShield - Integrated cargo insurance quoting, binding and reporting is sunsetted.
  • [00012174] PostEverywhere - Load posting integration is sunsetted.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00011795] Resolved an issue which prevented Asset Groups from updating properly when an asset entity assigned to the Asset Group was updated.
  • [00011830] Resolved the issue of uncopied element notifications not being displayed when copy load actions trigger AWE rule(s).
  • [00012027] Resolved an issue allowing customer credit limits to be exceeded on copied loads.
  • [00011913] Resolved an issue with auto-assigned load roles becoming inert if an edit or override is applied.
  • [00012157] Resolved an issue preventing Standard Users from viewing FourKites Transit Insights on the Dashboard.
  • [00012206] Resolved an issue causing DAT RateView authentication errors.
Mar 7, 2022


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00009890] External Load Sources - Post loads and shipments to KeepTruckin Smart Load Board.
  • [00011452] External Load Source Settings - Load Source Settings have been streamlined.
  • [00011666] External Load Source Settings - Error modal windows have been standardized for all load source partners.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00012015] Resolved an issue with invoice date format displaying incorrectly on system-generated invoice PDF documents.
Feb 9, 2022


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00011372] External Load Source Settings - C.H. Robinson Load Source Settings have been streamlined.
  • [00007309] Load Reporting - New columns added to display Invoice and Bill paid dates.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00011960] Resolved an issue pertaining to events being hidden in the Load Log and preventing actionable indicators from functioning.
  • [00011967] Resolved an issue with auto-assigned User Role overrides not being assigned to loads.
Jan 31, 2022


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00011829] External Load Searching - C.H. Robinson Book Now and auto-load tender success modal features have been updated for accuracy and performance.
  • [00011835] External Load Source Settings - C.H. Robinson credentials interface has been updated for ease of use.
  • [00011876] External Load Source Settings - C.H. Robinson Book Now markdown language has been updated for clarity.
  • [00011664] AscendTracker - AscendTracker messages can now be reused. A single AscendTracker message sent to a driver can be used for multiple load updates and tracking events.
  • [00004355] Automated Workflow Engine - A new AWE rule allows users building or creating a load to be automatically assigned to specific commissionable or non-commissionable User Load Roles.
  • [00011152] User Roles - User Roles and Commission Overrides can now be automatically applied to loads based on Asset Driver assignments.
  • [00011687] EDI - Customer and Location User Roles can now be automatically applied to loads built from EDI tenders.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00011828] A minor issue associated with locations created from C.H. Robinson Book Now auto-load tenders has been fixed.
  • [00011656] An issue causing multiple tracking token responses from AscendTracker has been corrected.
Jan 12, 2022


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00010745] External Load Searching - Book It Now and auto-load tender is available from C.H. Robinson. Click "Book It Now" from C.H. Robinson load search results and the load tender will be immediately sent to your AscendTMS "EDI/Tenders" menu electronically. Build your loads automatically from the C.H. Robinson tenders.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00011655] AscendTracker dates and times to start sending and stop sending messages now automatically default to the dates and times of the original pickup appointment and final delivery appointment of a load.
  • [00011663] A bug causing AscendTracker to continue sending messages after expiration of schedule stop sending datetime has been fixed.
  • [00011727] Delivery Date sorting of Commissions Management has been corrected.
Dec 20, 2021


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00011540] AscendTracker - Certain areas within AscendTMS have been relabeled or rebranded as AscendTracker.
  • [00004158] Permissions - The header row of Permission Groups Settings remains stationary when scrolling vertically.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00010578] A condition causing customer and location entities to be inaccurately displayed on assigned user roles and commissions has been corrected.
  • [00011174] An issue preventing pre-selected customer entities from persisting on EDI load tenders has been addressed.
  • [00011653] Enabled Auto-Tracker editing and disabling abilities have been restored to the Track & Trace drop-down menu within the Load Actions Bar.
  • [00011720] Ability to edit KeepTruckin Vehicle ID within Power Unit asset profiles has been restored.
Dec 6, 2021


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00001745] Quickbooks Desktop - Intuit Integration File (IIF) exports now handle TAXID and 1099 data where appropriate for customers and vendors.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00011205] GPS marker dialogue and satellite view have been restored to the Load Log map.
Nov 22, 2021


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00010571] Accounting Management - Accounting Management - A dynamic text key has been added to the Invoice Email Wizard. The key highlights which dynamic texts elements are available to be inserted into invoice emails.
  • [00011420] External Load Sources - The "Heads Up" text box at the top of User-Specific External Load Source Settings has been updated for clarity.
  • [00011435] External Load Sources - Several minor changes were made to DAT User-specific and Organization-wide Settings in preparation for a transition to a new API architecture. Markdown language, colors and other connection indicators have been updated.
  • [00011190] External Load Sources - A collapsable divider has been added to DAT and Uber Freight Organization-wide External Load Source Settings. The dividers provide system Administrators a view of additional users within their ATMS account who have connected to DAT or Uber Freight through User-specific External Load Source Settings and a tool to disconnect them.
  • [00011349] External Load Sources - Minor changes were made to Uber Freight in Load Source Searching to accommodate updated authorization framework.
  • [00011358] External Load Sources - Minor changes were made to Uber Freight External Load Source Settings to accommodate the updated authorization framework.
  • [00011188] External Load Sources - A credentials check has been put in place for every External Load Source partner to promote a smoother user experience.
  • [00010483] External Load Sources - C.H. Robinson load searching API has been updated.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00011352] A bug causing the Check Call modal to appear when sending a text message or single tracking message has been squashed.
Nov 8, 2021


New Features & Enhancements
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00002233] A minor bug contributing to the external load sources posting modal to appear blank when posting from the Edit Stops tab has been fixed.
  • [00011129] A minor bug causing visual misalignment of icons in Clear Posting Errors modal for external load sources has been fixed.
  • [00011151] A minor bug preventing external load source posting from the Load Actions bar when certain location block address formats were present has been fixed.
  • [00011291] A minor bug which caused Factoring Settings and Carrier Payment Settings links to be hidden within the User Settings drop-down list has been fixed.
  • [00011133] Axle Payments support resource for finding integration API key has been updated.
  • [00011197] Axle Payments list of factors for payees now includes a "Other - I can't find the factor" option. Choosing this new option triggers a review process to collect and add factor details to the list.
  • [00011198] Axle Payments error handling has been enhanced with more descriptive error messaging.
Oct 25, 2021


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00007639] Axle Payments - Axle Payments factoring process is now integrated with AscendTMS. Factoring with Axle Payments can now be accomplished in the 'Accounting' area in the system and can be done with a few clicks of a mouse. To learn how please click here.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00008317] A bug causing certain fields within the Check Call modal window to scroll independently has been squashed.
  • [00008849] EDI tender persist and auto-fill features have been given enhanced consistency and performance.
  • [00010710] Balances of Invoices previously marked "Paid" in full that are amended now reflect accurately on the AR/AP report.
Oct 11, 2021


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00009123] EDI - Appointment dates and times for stop locations are now programmable during EDI tender processing.
  • [00010316] EDI Log - Events recorded in the EDI Log are now interactive. Users can double-click on EDI Log events to view transaction details.
  • [00008129] EDI Log - Tenders containing shipment updates or changes will now display a summary of the changes when viewed in the new interactive EDI Log.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00004116] A bug which had been preventing customized settings for the Load Management table from saving and persisting is fixed.
  • [00010532] EDI stop location matching and persist issues have been fixed during tender processing.
Sep 21, 2021


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00009947] Load Templates - Added Load Templates Actions Bar while editing.
  • [00010098] Load Templates - Limited the number of Characters used in a Load Templates name to 100.
  • [00001463] Documents - Expanded Available Dynamic Text Tags for Emailing Documents.
  • [00005584] Documents - Added the ability to delete uploaded documents from the Document Preview.
  • [00010176] Currency - Added Rwandan Francs (RWF) to the Currency Menu in Settings.
  • [00010187] External Load Sources - Limited Load Posting Notes/Comments fields to only allow up to 255 characters.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00007524] Fixed a bug where Dynamic Text Tags were not working when Documents were emailed from Accounting Management.
  • [00010194] Restored Google Map API Functionality to include the zoom in/zoom out and fullscreen options.
  • [00010452] Fixed EDI bug where duplicate loads would be built from double-clicking the Build A Load button.
  • [00010060] Updated Broker Credit Check key from Good, Marginal, or Poor Credit to Approved or Denied Credit.
  • [00010739] Fixed a bug where users credentials were not being removed for 123Loadboard cause "Access Token Expired".
Aug 31, 2021


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00008125] Accountability Log - External load source posting activity is recorded to the Accountability Log.
  • [00009603] External Load Sources - A message was added to User-specific External Load Source Settings warning users against applying Organization-wide credentials already in use for OAuth connections.
  • [00009615] External Load Sources - OAuth User-Specific External Load Source Settings run a check against Organization-wide credentials. If User-specific credentials match existing Organization-wide credentials, the connection is denied.
  • [00009749] EDI - Load tender "Accept/Build" button is disabled after a single click reducing the possibility of load duplication.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00009601] Minor fix applied to OAuth API token refresh behavior.
  • [00008898] External load source search by region filter disabled for Loadsmart.
  • [00009727] Load Template Accountability Log displays the template name and no longer displays the template global universal ID string in the log title.
  • [00009732] An obsolete hyperlink pointing to the Contact Log of selected loads has been removed from AscendTracker.
  • [00010230] Minor adjustments to C.H. Robinson equipment type mapping in load searching.
  • [00010061] Minor adjustments to TQL equipment type mapping in load searching.
  • [00010129] load posting allowable string length adjusted.
Aug 16, 2021


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00007720] Total Quality Logistics - Load searching integration with TQL.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
Aug 10, 2021


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00004952] EDI - EDI Log has a new "Tenders by EDI #" search option exclusively for searching load tender details and statuses.
  • [00005536] EDI - Raw EDI object notation (JSON) is accessible for every EDI transaction by double-clicking elements in the EDI Log.
  • [00007312] EDI - EDI statuses "Accepted, Rejected or No Response" now appear in the EDI Log for every tender (204 transaction type).
  • [00008623] EDI - If a cancellation tender (cancel 204 transaction) is received from a trading partner after an original tender has been accepted and built, the AscendTMS load ID of the cancelled load will be displayed in the EDI tenders list.
  • [00007577] Transflo - Brokers and 3PL's can register carriers with Velocity+ simply by enabling load Auto-Tracking.
  • [00007420] Accounting Management - Delivery Date and Reference # columns have been added to Invoices and Bills tables.
  • [00001465] Accounting Management - Search Invoices and Bills by Reference #. Sort Invoices and Bills by last Delivery Date.
  • [00005593] Accounting Management - Carrier or vendor remittance address and information now appear when receiving a Bill.
  • [00008940] Accounting Management - Invoices amounting to $0.00 will no longer have the "Paid" status applied automatically and will not appear when "Paid In Full" or "Balance Outstanding" filters are enabled.
  • [00007397] InsureShield - UPS Capital shipping insurance is now InsureShield shipping insurance.
  • [00006099] External Load Sources - Load Searching equipment type "Landoll Flatbed, Drop Deck" has been updated to "Landoll Flatbed, Rollback".
  • [00006128] External Load Sources - The term "External Load Board" will be universally amended to "External Load Source". Stage one of two is deployed in this release.
  • [00007398] External Load Sources - The Load Search Results source filter now allows multiple load sources to be filtered from search results.
  • [00005048] Generated Documents - Company Phone Number now appears with Company Name and Address at the top of system-generated 3rd Party Bill of Lading documents.
  • [00005868] Load Templates - A hotlink has been added near the top of open load templates which enables users to view the Accountability Log for that template.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00008902] load posting markdown language has been updated for clarity within External Load Source Settings.
  • [00008930] contact phone number parsing has been improved for posted loads.
  • [00009029] bug preventing Load Posting Notes/Comments from being posted has been fixed.
Jul 7, 2021


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00007324] Loadsmart - Search for loads and get realistic instant quotes with newly integrated freight source partner Loadsmart.
  • [00007526] - Load posting functionality has been moved to a new modern framework.
  • [00005412] Load Reporting - Load reports can now be performed using Load Creation Date as the search basis.
  • [00007313] Accounting Management - Invoice Payment History displays the user that recorded the payment. Invoice and Bill payment events are recorded to the Accountability Log of a load.
  • [00001914] Load Management - Adding locations "on-the-fly" while load building is streamlined so that selected stop actions and assigned assets automatically persist and do not require manual re-selection.
  • [00008130] EDI - First pickup and final delivery appointment times are visible from the EDI Incoming Tenders list. The appointment times appear in the Stops column with the appointment date and stop location.
  • [00007465] EDI - When creating a new location from an EDI tender, the location details from the tender itself are pre-populated into the Add a New Location process.
  • [00007837] Load Management - From the Edit Stops tab of a load, assigned locations and associated stop actions can be bundled or split up and managed independently.
  • [00008006] EDI - Updated load tenders with changes received after an EDI load has been built will now display specific load details that have changed both on the tenders list and the tender preview.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00002833] Resolved an issue preventing invoices and bills from appearing on the AR/AP report for loads where the Load Status was left unassigned.
  • [00007925] A bug which prevented sorting of the customizable Pay Items list in Settings has been fixed.
  • [00008280] Edited Driver Pay Schedule deduction rates and date ranges now carry over accurately to the Driver Pay Management module.
  • [00007737] A bug causing load searching to ignore Pickup Date Range inputs has been fixed.
  • [00008071] Auto-added driver pay logic was logging duplicate data to the Accountability Log. A bug fix has been put in place.
Jun 7, 2021


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00001278] Accounting - AR/AP Report search filters are now supported in report totals and exports.
  • [00004576] Automated Workflow Engine - AWE rules were switched to a Premium-only feature.
  • [00004955] Load Management - Language for the Load Management search filter was changed from "Search the Load Board" to "Search Loads on this Tab" for clarity.
  • [00005987] Expanded available load planning Stop Actions to include: Drop Empty Trailer, Hook Empty Trailer, Drop Loaded Trailer, Hook Loaded Trailer, Border Stop, Load, Unload, and Power Only (Bobtail).
  • [00005991] Transflo - A driver's email address is no longer a requirement to sync load data with Velocity+.
  • [00007310] A Branch drop-down menu was added to the Load Basics tab of loads.
  • [00007433] Integrated Load Searching - When available, load source search results with rate information will now display the "Rate Per Mile" alongside "All In" or "Flat Rate".
  • [00007590] Accountablity Log - Driver pay items that are auto-added to load expenses are now recorded to the Accountability Log.
  • [00007982] An adjustment was made to ignore mileage calculation for some round-trip loads or loads built using back-to-back locations where the mileage calculation is zero.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00001491] Resolved an issue that prevented driver names from appearing in IFTA reporting and IFTA exports.
  • [00007500] Enabled integrated load sources that only allow for searches from "City, State" will have the "Region" location search option auto-disabled.
  • [00007588] Resolved an issue which prevented the "Clear Errors" function from working for externally posted loads.
  • [00007516] Resolved an issue whereby partial or incomplete location block addresses would appear as "Invalid Address" in AscendPortal.
  • [00007637] A bug causing EDI loads to be built with a broken or incomplete branch name was fixed.
  • [00007688] Check Call and Actual Delivery date/time data no longer carries over to new copied loads.
  • [00007934] Resolved an issue preventing a hover link from displaying received date/time on the EDI Incoming Tenders list.
  • [00008179] A document library adjustment was made to accommodate password encrypted documents to pass for factoring integrations.
  • [00007837] An adjustment was made to EDI load building so that all locations on a tender receive a unique identifier and remain independent from one another.
May 10, 2021


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00002089] EDI - Added the ability to create new location profiles "on-the-fly" directly from EDI load tender preview.
  • [00004866] AscendPortal - Full location names now appear within the Stops column of load lists and are searchable.
  • [00007225] EDI - Customer and Location commissions / user roles are now applied automatically to EDI loads.
  • [00007285] Referral and promotional partners - Qualified users creating a new AscendTMS account can enter a referral or promo code during sign-up. Referral benefits and promotional rates will be automatically applied to the new account.
  • [00007308] Enhancements were made to Carrier and Location profile lists to more accurately align with selected branch filters.
  • [00000783] Invoicing - When invoicing the option to combine invoice and supporting documents into a single PDF was added. Combined document sizes automatically scale up or down. The option to prepend load numbers to the filename of combined supporting documents was added.
  • [00004905] New account starting load ID number changed to begin at #100 vs. #10000.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00002983] Resolved an issue preventing Driver Pay Schedule deductions from being auto-added to load Financials when the Auto-Add to Load option was enabled.
  • [00003065] Resolved an issue with Driver Pay Schedule adjustment values applying an incorrect adjustment when the Auto-Add to Load option is enabled.
  • [00005364] Resolved an issue preventing Pickup and Delivery schedules from updating in AscendPortal.
  • [00005864] Resolved an issue of mileage-based auto-added driver pay failing to calculate beyond the first two stops built to a load.
  • [00007244] A problem was addressed which prevented integrated load sources from displaying properly in the Clear Posting Errors modal array.
  • [00007333] Google maps API version was adjusted to restore map functions such as zoom, street view, satellite view and fullscreen toggle.
  • [00007384] C.H. Robinson load searching was moved to a new back end framework. C.H. Robinson integration markdown language was updated.
  • [00007406] Restored function to the "Reject Tender" button when viewing an EDI load tender.
  • [00007416] Removed the term "undefined" from EDI load tender Equipment section when equipment is not specified by the trading partner.
  • [00007446] Removed an auto-refresh feature which interfered with scrolling while on the Externally Posted Loads tab of Load Management.
  • [00007519] A back-end adjustment was made to 123Loadboard posting to more accurately reflect the number of extra stops present on a load.
  • [00007575] Auto-added driver pay items now work consistently with each load building option: EDI, template and wizard.
Apr 12, 2021


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00002721] EDI - Branch assignment is available on EDI load tenders. EDI loads can be built to a specific branch.
  • [00006168] TAB Bank - Factoring requests and document handling have been optimized on the back end.
  • [00007215] Invoice amounts are now denoted with a currency symbol or currency abbreviation.
  • [00007359] Love's Financial - PDF document merging and error alerting is deployed for factoring transactions.
  • [00005383] Accounting Management - A filter was added to the Invoices Sent Status column so that integrated factoring users can filter between sent and unsent loads for factoring.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00005384] Resolved an issue where Transflo Mobile+ users received an error when trying to view stop-level details.
  • [00006126] The "Post Loads" hyperlink in the Load Actions bar was updated to direct unintegrated users to Organization-wide External Load Board Settings vs. User-specific External Load Board Settings.
  • [00007216] Resolved an issue preventing custom document type tags from appearing in Document Preview.
  • [00007240] DAT, and Cargo Chief C4 load searching were moved to a new back end framework.
Mar 12, 2021


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00002339] 123Loadboard Integration - Added the ability to perform load searches with 123Loadboard.
  • [00005793] 123Loadboard Integration - Added the ability to open and view Additional Load Details for 123Loadboard load search results.
  • [00005795] 123Loadboard Integration - Modified 123Loadboard Settings to allow for entry of separate load posting and load searching credentials.
  • [00005789] DAT RateView Integration - Modified DAT Settings to allow for entry of separate load posting/searching credentials and RateView credentials.
  • [00004539] Track and Text - Removed the ability for users to purchase tracking and texting credits. Premium subscriptions enjoy unlimited tracking and texting.
  • [00005635] Externally Posted Loads - Added menu option to clear all API posting and unposting errors from the Externally Posted Loads tab of Load Management.
  • [00005642] Externally Posted Loads - Added Shortcuts menu option to clear individual API posting and unposting errors from Externally Posted Loads tab of Load Management.
  • [00006139] Load Actions Bar - Added "Unpost Load" option to the Load Actions Bar. Option will only be available after the load has been successfully posted.
  • [00005723] Factoring Integrations - Invoices factored with integrated factoring partners will display "Last Factored" date in the Sent Status column of Accounting Management. *Excludes Triumph Business Capital.
  • [00005376] Archived Loads - Added the ability to view the "Edit Stops" tab details of archived loads.
  • [00005633] Transflo Integration - When drivers send multiple single-page documents or images with matching document types (Ex. POD) they will automatically be combined into a single PDF document in Load Documents.
  • [00005724] EDI - Automatic EDI 210 (invoice) transactions are now recorded in the EDI Log.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00006019] Enhanced the speed and efficiency of integrated load search requests.
  • [00006040] Resolved an issue that was preventing the "Stop Location / Stop Action" field and the "Current Truck Location" field from being prefilled automatically when logging Actual Date/Time arrival and departure check calls.
  • [00006138] Resolved an issue that was preventing users from adding driver, power unit and trailer details to a load with an outside carrier assigned if the "Allow user to Create an Asset" permission was disabled.
  • [00006134] Restored "Send Back to Load Management" option to the Load Actions bar. The option will only appear when viewing a load from Accounting Management.
  • [00006095] Loads posted using NextLoad integration will now display the proper Load ID number in additon to the poster's full name, phone number and email address.
Feb 17, 2021


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00005595] External Load Searching – Added Uber Freight to External Load Source Search.
  • [00006035] External Load Searching – Added Uber Freight to External Load Source Authentication area under "Settings > Add or Edit External Load Board Settings".
  • [00006000] External Load Searching – Added link to "Sign up with Uber Freight" in the Load Search Selection area.
  • [00004998] Load Factoring – Added the ability to submit funding requests to Love’s Financial directly through AscendTMS via the "Factor Loads" option in Accounting Management.
  • [00005540] Load Factoring – Added Love’s Financial to the Factoring Settings under "Settings > Add or Edit Factoring Settings".
  • [00004996] Load Factoring – Redesigned Invoice document for Love’s Financial factoring users to allow for specific notice of assignment (NOA) stamp.
  • [00005969] Load Factoring – Redesigned Invoice document for TAB Bank factoring users to allow for specific notice of assignment (NOA) stamp.
  • [00005633] Transflo Integration – Enhanced document exchange to automatically combine multiple single-page documents of the same document type submitted from Transflo app into one multi-page document within AscendTMS.
  • [00005438] Transflo Integration – Document Management now matches and displays the document type selected from Transflo for each document imported into AscendTMS.
  • [00003558] Load Management – Categorized the Load Actions bar hyperlinks to a single-line, condensed view. Users can now hover over the condensed links for additional menu options.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00005984] Resolved the issue where Stop Actions were disappearing when trying to set appointment dates/times.
  • [00005806] Resolved the issue where searching by Load ID or Timestamp in EDI Log was not returning results consistently.
  • [00004748] Resolved the issue where the pay item Extra Stopswas inaccurately reflecting the mileage in the quantity field when assigned to an Asset Driver.
  • [00006018] Resolved the issue where the quantity was not updating correctly when the pay item Extra Stops was assigned to an outside Carrier.
  • [00006096] Updated the Transflo integration to only send the numeric value for Weight and no longer send the unit 'lbs'.
  • [00005776] Updated the language and instructions for clarity when building loads from a load template.
Jan 22, 2021


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00005841] Units or Measure - Added the ability for users to set exact Units of Measures under the "Customize the default currency and units of measure for your location" section under the "Settings" menu item. Users can select separate units of measure for Weight Unit, Distance Unit, and Temperature Unit for their organization.
  • [00005867] Load Reporting - Updated the Weight and Miles columns to display metric units of measure if the user's company settings are configured to use the metric system.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00005706] Resolved the issue where a user's search criteria was being removed if they received an error message when trying to look up rates with DAT's Rateview.
  • [00002834] Resolved the issue where the units of measure labels were not updating to the metric unit of measure on the Edit Stops page on loads after a user updated their UOM settings to use the metric system.
  • [00004604] Resolved the issue where pay items were not aligning properly in the Pay Item drop-down menu when editing Pay Items after they have been added to the load.
  • [00004857] Updated the weight field on load documents to respect the metric units of measure when selected under the UOM settings in AscendTMS.
  • [00005554] Resolved the issue where double-clicking the "Post Loads" button resulted in the load(s) being posted twice to the selected load boards.
  • [00005561] Resolved the issue where the load distance was not updating the Pay Item quantities on the load if the distance was being measured in Kilometers.
  • [00005562] Added the ability to select Driver Pay Rate Basis distances in either Miles or Kilometers when setting up Driver Pay schedules.
  • [00005573] Resolved an issue where there were inconsistent decimal placement and distant conversions numbers on the "Edit Stops" page on loads.
  • [00005711] Updated the URL for Superior Trucking Payroll services on the "Driver Pay" page.
  • [00005826] Updated the method of calculating Driver Pay mileage to the same methodology of calculating distance as Edit Stops to make sure they remain consistent.
  • [00005824] Resolved the issue where Load Templates were no longer automatically assigning User Roles to the loads based on the Customer or Carrier assigned to Load Template.
  • [00005846] Updated the Load Management screen to display KG in the Weight field if the user's UOM settings are set to the metric system.
Dec 28, 2020


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00004454] Accountability Log - Added an Accountability Log entry when a load is created from Order Management.
  • [00004676] Accountability Log - Added an Accountability Log entry when a user archives a load.
  • [00004941] Accountability Log - Added an Accountability Log entry for every possible way a load is created in AscendTMS.
  • [00004368] Load Building - Added the ability to use a Load Template to build multiple loads at once.
  • [00004370] Load Building - Added a list of load numbers that are displayed on a banner at the top of your screen when creating multiple loads from either the Copy Load or Use Load Template processes. The load list allows users to click on a load number to view the load. The banner will remain in place until the user clicks to close it.
  • [00005472] Load Factoring - Added a load factoring integration with TAB Bank.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00005758] Corrected a typo on the DAT RateView error message banner.
Dec 14, 2020


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00005091] External Load Searching - Added Convoy to Load Board Authentication area under "Settings/Add or Edit External Load Board Settings".
  • [00005092] External Load Searching - Added Convoy to Load Search Selection area under the "Search Load Boards" menu item.
  • [00005558] External Load Searching - Added the ability for carriers to receive load details from Convoy when they book a load with Convoy. The load details will appear under the "EDI/Tenders" menu item. Users can build loads in AscendTMS from the load details they receive.
  • [00005634] Extrenal Load Searching - Made the default search results to sort by "Deadhead Miles from Origin" for all load results.
  • [00005662] External Load Searching - Increased the maximum number of or load results from 200 loads to 500 loads.
  • [00005273] Lane Rates - Added DAT Rateview integration to AscendTMS. This feature is located on the main menu under the "Rates" menu item.
  • [00005667] Lane Rates - Added DAT's "Rated Lane" data to the lane rate results from DAT.
  • [00005273] Lane Rates - Added the ability to search lane rates directly from your loads. There is now a 'Lookup Rates' option on the "Load Actions" bar withing your loads.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00004877] Resolved issue where the AWE rule "When Carrier Assigned, Removed, Replaced" was being triggered when you add or change Driver.
Nov 4, 2020


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00005259] Transflo Integration- Added the ability to allow Transflo Brokers to Assign Drivers through Velocity+.
  • [00005374] Transflo Integration - We now require stop dates to be entered into loads prior to sending them over to Transflo.
  • [00005362] Transflo Integration - We now require that the Carrier Contact Name and Phone Number to be required when registering carriers with Transflo from AscendTMS.
  • [00005398] Transflo Integration - For users that are both a Carrier and Broker using the Transflo Integration, we now automatically register your Carrier division under your Broker division when registering yourself with Transflo from AscendTMS to initiate your integration.
  • [00005286] Driver Pay - We have partnered with Superior Trucking Payroll Service to assist our users with all of their Driver Payroll needs. We have added a button labeled "Expert Payroll Assistant" under 'Driver Pay Management' to simplify the process with Superior Trucking Payroll Service.
  • [00005285] Commission Management - We have partnered with Superior Trucking Payroll Service to assist our users with all of their Commission Management and Payment needs. We have added a button labeled "Expert Payroll Assistant" under 'Commissions Management' to simplify the process with Superior Trucking Payroll Service.
  • [00005411] Load Reporting - We added a new column to the Load Reports export labeled "Created Dated" to allow users to report on this date type.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00005360] Resolved the issue where some users were receiving an error message from Translfo that load data from AscendTMS was not syncing.
  • [00005413] Modified the field labels for the Transflo settings area for Division IDs. They now are labeled "Broker Division ID for Velocity+ subscribers" and "Carrier Division ID(s) for Mobile+ subscribers.
  • [00005336] Made an endpoint modification for Mobile+ users that are also Velocity+ users.
  • [00005417] Resolved the issue where an error message was appearing at the top of the page when saving a carrier profile.
Oct 19, 2020


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00005197] UPS Capital - Added the ability to receive 4 quotes from UPS Capital that include standard deductibles. This allows users to select an "Excess Coverage" option vs insuring the entire load value.
  • [00002300] Check Calls - We modified the 'Check Call' modal to include new "Truck Location" field. When a user enters in the truck location on the modal it places a pin drop on the map located under "View Load Log" as well as records the location in the "Load Log".
  • [00004906] Check Calls - Added 'EDI Shipment Status Codes' to the 'Check Call Status Description' drop-down list on the 'Check Calls' modal.
  • [00004904] Check Calls - Added the 'EDI Reason Codes' field and a dropdown list of EDI Reason codes to the 'Check Calls' modal.
  • [00005055] Check Calls - Add Status Description drop-down option "En Route to Pickup" in Log Check Call modal
  • [00005269] Transflo - 'Actual Arrival/Departure' times are updated based on the Transflo Driver Events in the 'Mobile+' app.
  • [00005080] Transflo - Added the ability to receive Load Events from the Transflo Mobile+ app in the 'Load Log' inside of AscendTMS.
  • [00005300] Transflo - Added Email Notifications for all incoming Transflo documents with an option on 'Settings' page.
  • [00005265] Transflo - We now send additional meta-data fields to Transflo Mobile+ as part of the load. Weight, Temp, Reference Number, Location notes, Lat and Long, Driver Instructions, Cargo at Stop, Power Unit Number, and Trailer Number.
  • [00005379] Transflo - We now send additional load-level meta-data fields to Transflo Velocity+ as part of the load. Weight, Temp, Reference Number, Power Unit Number, and Trailer Number.
  • [00005212] Settings - Added another currency - Zambian Kwacha (ZMK)
  • [00005182] Reporting/Search Loads - Added the ability to search loads by Drivers, Power Units and Trailers from a dropdown list.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00005331] Resolved the issue where the "Reset Criteria" button did not clear the Load Entities on 'Reporting/Search Loads' screens.
  • [00005335] Resolved the issue where driver's profiles were not visible when opening them from the 'View Drivers' menu item for some users.
Sep 23, 2020


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00005068] Transflo Integration - Carrier Credentials - We allow multiple Division IDs if they exist with Transflo when entering your credentials to connect your integration.
  • [00005067] Transflo Integration - Broker Credentials - We allow Single Division IDs with Transflo when entering your credentials to connect your Transflo integration.
  • [00005069] Transflo Integration - We allow Multiple Authentication Tokens if required to connect your Transflo integration.
  • [00005064] Transflo Integration - Added the ability to automatically retrieve your Registered Transflo Drivers from Transflo and sync them to your AscendTMS Driver Profiles.
  • [00005065] Transflo Integration - Added the ability to register your drivers to Transflo from your Driver Profiles in AscendTMS.
  • [00005066] Transflo Integration - Added the ability to show Registered Drivers in Drivers list under "View Drivers".
  • [00005234] Transflo Integration - Added the ability to register Carriers in bulk with Transflo.
  • [00005235] Transflo Integration - Added the ability to "de-register" carriers with Transflo.
  • [00005075] Transflo Integration - Added the ability to send new loads to Transflo.
  • [00005082] Transflo Integration - Added the ability for Brokers using Transflo to send load confirmations to the Transflo app.
  • [00005083] Transflo Integration - Added the ability for Transflo Carriers to receive documents in AscendTMS from thier drivers via Transflo Mobile+ app.
  • [00005084] Transflo Integration - Added the ability for Documents transmitted from Transflo Mobile+ app to flow through to Brokers in AscendTMS who also use Transflo.
  • [00005183] Transflo Integration - Added the ability to handle incoming documents from Transflo that have an invalid or no Load ID assigned to them. These documents are viewable under the "Document Management" menu.
  • [00005076] Transflo Integration - Added a warning to users if any missing data when sending loads to Transflo.
  • [00005077] Transflo Integration - Added the ability to assign a Carrier to a load as a Transflo broker user.
  • [00005078] Transflo Integration - Added the ability to assign a Driver to a load as a Transflo carrier user.
  • [00005079] Transflo Integration - Added the ability to update Transflo with the Status of a Stop.
  • [00005080] Transflo Integration - Added the ability to receive Load Events from the Transflo apps. These Load Events can be viewed under "View Load Log" in AscendTMS.
  • [00005081] Transflo Integration - Added the ability to receive load tracking information from the Transflo app. The tracking can be viewed under "View Load Log" in AscendTMS.
  • [00005154] Transflo Integration - We allow Basic AscendTMS subscribers to view Load Tracking Settings page, but not enable integrations.
  • [00005088] Transflo Integration - The Transflo integration is available to Premium subscribers only.
  • [00004871] Search Loads/Load Reports - Added the ability to view Lane History for an entity (e.g. Locations, Customers, or Carriers) from the entity profile page. When you are viewing the entity page (Location, Customer, or Carrier) you can click on the 'Load History Search' button to run a specific load report for that entity.
  • [00004872] Search Loads/Load Reports - In "Search Loads/Load Reports", we added additional entity-specific searching ability by selecting a specific entity (Location, Customer, or Carrier) from a drop-down list labeled 'Load Entities'. This allows users to run reports for a specific Location, Customer, or Carrier.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00004685] Resolved the issue where loads that were built from EDI were not displaying the suggested pick/drop and date/times in the "Edit Stops" schedule date/time window.
  • [00004875] Resolved the issue where the TruckerTools Smart Capacity (and others) updates cause the Last Contact column hover to appear as 'undefined'.
  • [00005263] Updated the Supported Equipment Types and Classes for Load Posting.
  • [00005155] Resolved the issue where users can not view the additional contacts when you have no Permissions to update carriers.
  • [00005033] We corrected the C4 Equipment Type Mapping for users utilizing the C4 integration.
Aug 18, 2020


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00004169] Automated Workflow Engine - Added a new rule that allows administrators to prevent Customers being added to a load based on the Customer's available credit. Administrators can choose a dollar amount threshold that once reached will block that customer from being added to a load by users. A warning message appears to alert the user as to why the Customer cannot be added. This does not apply to loads that are created from EDI Load Tenders.
  • [00004237] Load Posting - Changed the "Public Load Board Settings" to "My External Load Board Settings" under the 'User Settings' menu.
  • [00002087] Load Financials - We now display a warning if there isn't a Payee or Payor on a financial line item on the 'Load Financials' page when a user chooses to send the load to "Accounting".
  • [00004457] Load Management - We changed the "hover-over" functionality on the 'Load Management' page. Users no longer will see the pop-ups/tool-tips boxes when their mouse is moved over certain cells on the Load Management table. A user can click on the cell to display the pop-up/tool-tip if they desire to see the details of the cell.
  • [00004880] EDI Tenders - Added a display of the Customer's Available Credit to the load building preview page when building a new load from an EDI Tender.
  • [00004938] Alerting - Added the stop location information to the incoming emails users receive when a carrier updates the status using "AscendPortal", if the administrator has set the "Alerting" rule to email users when these actions happen under "Configure your alerts" in the 'Settings' menu.
  • [00003963] Actual Dates and Times - Users now have the ability to add Actual Arrival and Actual Departure Dates/Times to loads. Users just need to go to the "Edit Stops" page to update the load. Users can also update the Actual Arrival and Actual Departure Dates/Times by using the "Log a Check Call" process. If Carriers or Drivers make updates to loads using AscendPortal they will update the Actual Arrival and Departure Dates/Times as well.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00004426] Redirected the click "Here" link on the EDI Setup page to point to the correct article on our help site.
  • [00004673] Resolved the issue where the Pickup / Dropoff Date were not displaying correctly in the TBC or PCG load factoring modal.
  • [00004884] Resolved the issue where the AR/AP report was not reflected updates made to the "Load Financials Page" after the load was sent over to "Accounting Management".
  • [00004988] Updated the "Search Loads" page to reflect the changes C.H. Robinson made on their search results. Now they only send us 50 loads per search request.
  • [00004932] Resolved the issue where the 'Universal Search' tool was not recognizing MC numbers with lead zeroes for users that had Carriers using that format in their AscendTMS database.
Jun 29, 2020


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00001277]Customer Credit Limts - Added the ability to view a customer's Available Credit on the "View Customers" page under the 'Customers' menu. We also added a warning if a customer exceeds their credit limit to the "Financials" page on your loads. On the "View Customers" table under the 'Customers' menu, you will also see a new column that displays your customer's available credit as well.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00002231-3787]Credit Limits - We resolved the issue where customer credit balances were not updating until the load was archived even though a payment was received.
  • [00004603]Credit Limits - We resolved the issue where customer credit balances were not updating when a load was "Canceled" using the "Cancel Load" option from the 'Short Cuts' menu on the 'Load Management' screen.
  • [00004852]Resolved the issue where QBO options were showing up in user's Accounting Management filters when they had Quickbooks Desktop selected as thier option.
Jun 5, 2020


New Features & Enhancements
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00003279] – Removed TriumphPay pop-up dialog when not appropriate when bills are edited or deleted.
  • [00004742] – Fixed issue with uploading certain .pdf files with # sign in file name via AscendPortal.
  • [00004761] – Fixed incorrect title on "Transit Insights" dashboard widget.
  • [00004768] – In Accounting Management, allow selection of multiple invoices or billsto perform an action, and retain previously set filters after performing actions and returning to list of invoices or bills.
  • [00004769] – Added “Declared Value” field to certain load documents, including Carrier Confirmation, Blind Carrier Confirmation, Bill of Lading, and Customer Confirmation.
  • [00004794] – In Accounting > Bills, when Load ID is entered in the search field and a received bill is recorded, the status is updated immediately and the Load ID remains in the search field.
  • [00004828] – In Accounting > Bills, when a bill is deleted, the bill is no longer selected and is removed from the screen without having to refresh.
  • [00004836] – In Accounting, fixed issues with setting filters, performing actions and ensuring filters remain properly set.
  • [00004841] – Fixed mouse icon on certain accounting functions.
  • [00004842] – In Accounting, made menu option to de-select all selected items more prominent (from "X" to a button with descriptive label).
  • [00004846] – In Accounting, when you select invoice(s) and perform an action (such as Receive Payment), you are now taken to a view of the selected invoices, allowing you to perform another action if desired, rather than returning to the List of Invoices with some invoices still selected but potentially hidden due to filter settings.
  • [00004847] – In Accounting, fixed issues with performing actions and bills/invoices disappearing due to filter settings. Now after performing an action, you are returned to the view of selected bills/invoices. Related to 4846.
  • [00004849] – In Accounting, fixed issue when you expand all bills, select a bill(s) to perform an action, return to the list of bills, and all items were still expanded except the last one on the page. Last item is now also expanded.
May 18, 2020


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00004699] Additional Cargo Insurance - AscendTMS has added the ability to receive quotes and purchase cargo insurance policies from UPS Capital on per load basis, directly from the load. To learn more about how to purchase cargo insurance from a load, please click here.
  • [00004275] Additional Cargo Insurance - Added the "Declared Value" field to the "Loads Basic" page on loads.
  • [00004276] Additional Cargo Insurance - Added the "New/Goods" toggle field to the "Loads Basic" page on loads.
  • [00004694] Additional Cargo Insurance - Added the "View Insurance Service(s) Options" buttons to the "Load Basics" and "Financials" pages on loads.
  • [00004272] Additional Cargo Insurance - Added the "Purchase Cargo Insurance" permission rights under "Add/Edit Permissions Group". By default, only Administrators have this permission turned on.
  • [00004280] Additional Cargo Insurance - Added a broker specific message when the "View Insurance Service(s) Options" button is clicked.
  • [00004698] Additional Cargo Insurance - Added "Declared Load Value is Too High" messaging if the declared value of a load is greater than $250,000.00 when a user is requesting an additional cargo insurance quote from UPS Capital.
  • [00004700] Additional Cargo Insurance - Added the ability to view your UPS Capital insurance quote directly from the load on the "Financials" tab by clicking on the "View Current Quote / Manage Coverage" button. Also added the "View Summary of Coverage / Explanation of Benefits" link.
  • [00004706] Additional Cargo Insurance - Added Terms and Conditions display when a user selects the "Auto-Purchase" option.
  • [00004707] Additional Cargo Insurance - Added the ability to agree to Auto-Purchase a policy at future date. If the user clicks the I Agree & Confirm Purchase button, and if user selected to “Accept the Quote and Auto-Purchase Later”, the “smart messaging” notification will be removed; the Policy Status will change to “Quote Accepted, Auto-Purchase”; the “Confirm Shipment” and “Cancel Policy Purchase” buttons will replace any previously displayed button; and a new Expense line item will be added to the Financial tab for the premium amount.
  • [00004708] Additional Cargo Insurance - Added the ability to cancel an insurance quote prior to the load being confirmed as shipped. The insurance purchase can only be cancelled after the user has selected to “Accept the Quote and Auto-Purchase Later” and before the shipment has been confirmed. Before the quote is “Accepted”, it is just a quote, and therefore there is nothing to cancel. After the policy is purchased and bound and the shipment has been confirmed, the user will have to contact UPSC directly to cancel the policy (if it is even possible at that point, this will be up to UPSC). During this “cancellable period”, the “Cancel Policy Purchase” button(s) will be visible. If the user clicks the “Cancel Policy Purchase” button before the policy has actually been purchased, the Policy Status will change to “Quoted, Not Purchased”, the “Cancel Policy Purchase” button will be removed and replaced with “View Current Quote” and “Invalidate Quote”; an entry will be made to the Load Log; the financial expense line item for the premium will be deleted; and the Auto-purchase process will be stopped.
  • [00004709] Additional Cargo Insurance - UPSC Insurance Premiums will be added to your load expenses automatically if purchased. However, the ability to delete them exists as well.
  • [00004712] Additional Cargo Insurance - If the user has selected to "Accept Quote and Auto-Purchase" later, the policy will be purchased and bound at the time the user confirms the shipment. If the user does not confirm the shipment, the policy will not be purchased and the load will NOT be covered.
  • [00004713] Additional Cargo Insurance - If the credit card charge is declined, an appropriate error message will appear notifying the user that the card could not be charged, and the user will be given the opportunity to enter a different credit card to retry the purchase. If the user is unable to make the purchase, the Policy Status and button label will remain the same
  • [00004714] Additional Cargo Insurance - Added the ability to set "Alerting Rules" to remind users to confirm their UPSX shipment and bind their quoted policies. This is located under "Automated Alerting System" in the "Settings" area of AscendTMS.
  • [00004715] Additional Cargo Insurance - Added the ability to Confirm your shipment to UPS Capital from logging a check call on the quoted load. If the user specifies a status (from a drop-down list) of “Carrier Departed Pick-Up Location with Shipment” (on a load with purchased cargo insurance), then the sequence of events under “Confirming Shipments” above will take place.
  • [00004716] Additional Cargo Insurance - Added the ability to Confirm you shipment to UPS Capital from the "Financials" tab on a quoted load. From the load’s Financials tab, after the insurance quote has been accepted for auto-purchase, the “Confirm Shipment” button will be visible. Clicking on this button will follow the sequence of events and allow your users to confirm the shipment.
  • [00004720] Additional Cargo Insurance - Added a new report to display all loads that have insurance quotes or policies that have been purchased. The report is called "Add'l Insurance" and it is located under the "Reporting" menu.
  • [00004451] Accounting Management - Applied a new indexing feature that will help optimize the loading times when users enter into the "Account Management" area of AscendTMS.
  • [0000] Transit Insights - Added FourKite's "Transit Insights" to the "Loads" menu and "Dashboard" page of AscendTMS. "Transit Insights" allows users to view Current Border Crossing Transit Times, Region Insights that displays State-to-State truck movement volume and dwell times, as well as Port Conjestion.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00004756] Resolved issues where a carrier that updated a driver's name through AscendPortal, it would blank out the driver's name on the load in AscendTMS.
Mar 28, 2020


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00004165] Load Reporting - Added financial and date related columns to the results table under "Search Loads" and "Load Reports". The column titles are the following: 'Total Income', 'Total Expense', 'Gross Profit/Loss', 'Gross Profit/Loss %', ​Dates and schedule times were added to existing 'Pickups' and 'Deliveries' columns. Carrier/Equipment/Distance columns were also added: 'Driver', 'Power Unit', 'Trailer', 'Private Notes', 'Equipment', 'Client Miles', 'Carrier Miles', 'Deadhead Miles', 'Truck Status', 'Carrier MC Number', 'Carrier USDOT Number', 'Weight'..
  • [00004166] Load Reporting - If a user doesn't have permissions to view load financials, the following columns on the results table under "Search Loads" and "Load Reports" will display "$0.00" dollars. 'Total Income', 'Total Expenses', 'Gross Profit/Loss', 'Gross Profit/Loss %'.
  • [00004167] Load Reporting - Columns are now sortable on the results table under "Search Loads" and "Load Reporting".
  • [00004134] Load Reporting - Added Location related columns to the results table under "Search Loads" and "Load Reporting". The column titles are: 'First Pick Name', 'First Pick Address', 'First Pick City', 'First Pick State', 'First Pick Postal', 'First Pick Country', 'Last Drop Name', 'Last Drop Address', 'Last Drop City', 'Last Drop State', 'Last Drop Postal', 'Last Drop Country'.
  • [00004103] Load Management - Added "Visual Notifications" under the 'Last Contact' column. The new visual notifications include blue and red markers that will appear when load update information is received from the AscendPortal. Users can view the notifications directly from "Load Management" by right clicking red or blue indicators or by navigating to the Load Log from the Shortcuts menu. The blue indicators will be cleared on a per user basis once the notification is viewed by the user. The red indicators require an action by you or a fellow user to be resolved, and will then be cleared for all users.
  • [00004258] Load Management - Certain AscendPortal truck status updates will appear in the 'Last Contact' column and turn the red Visual Indicator on. These statuses are: "Shipment Damaged", "Shipment Delayed", "Shipment Cancelled", "Shipment Returned to Shipper", "Refused by Consignee”. The red indicator will also appear when a carrier proposes any financial changes to the load. To learn more about "Visual Notifications" please click here.
  • [00004375] Load Management - If a user doesn't have permissions to view Load Financials the 'Income' and 'Expense' columns will display "$0.00" dollars on the "Load Management" screen on all load tabs.
  • [00004151] AscendPortal Settings - Added a new rule: "Restrict load from being tendered based on a load's financial line items". Administrators can now restrict loads from being tendered if certain load financial requirements are not met, including Total Income, Total Expenses, and Gross Profit/Loss.
  • [00004497] AscendPortal Settings - Added a new rule where administrators can restrict a load from being tendered if there isn't a pickup date scheduled to the stops.
  • [00004265] View Carriers - Added new columns to the "Carrier List" table under the 'View Carriers' menu item. These columns include: 'Do Not Load (OK to Load/Do Not Load)', 'Factoring Company', '1099 Vendor', 'Primary Insurance (BIPD) Details', 'Primary Insurance Expiration', 'Cargo Insurance Details', 'Cargo Insurance Expiration'.
  • [00004339] Stop Sequence Optimization - Added the ability for users to optimize their stop order on the "Edit Stops" tab of loads with a click of a button. Users can now click the 'Optimize Stop Order' button located to the right of the map and AscendTMS will optimize stops based on calculated distance. To learn more about "Stop Sequence Optimization" please click here here.
  • [00004419] AscendPortal - When an AscendTMS user archives a load, it will also archive that same load in the assigned carrier's AscendPortal.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00002103] Resolved the issue when viewing carrier/customer profile, if a user clicked on broker credit check or carrier verification links, the AscendTMS header row would disappear from view.
  • [00001748] We removed the "time" from the date pickers that appear in Commission Reports.
  • [00002963] Reporting is now able to search for stop locations on loads on all stop actions; no longer just the Pickup or Delivery stops.
  • [00003661] Resolved the issue where editing a Scheduled Driver Pay Weekly item that had a 'Stop Date' in the 'Date Range' field was not saving.
  • [00003826] Resolved the issue where users could not save their Default Branch options under "Add or Edit Branches / Departments".
  • [00004089] Resolved the issue where updates from AscendPortal were not being logged under the load's "Accountability Log" properly in AscendTMS.
  • [00004138] Resolved the issue where the "Request Docs from Driver" option from 'Shortcuts Menu' is not pulling the Driver Name and Phone Number from the load information.
  • [00004235] Resolved the issue where the 'Load Log' would disappear after a user would log a check call from the 'Load Log' screen.
  • [00004360] Resolved the issue where the 'Load Log' would display all live updates across all your loads while a user was actively viewing the 'Load Log', though those updates didn't save to the 'Load Log', they were viewable at that moment in time.
  • [00004366] We now break down the Cargo line items per stop vs summing the entire amount in AscendPortal for some use cases.
  • [00004371] Resolved the issue where "Conflicting" AWE rules were causing reiterative updating.
  • [00004384] Resolved the issue where the Invalid Date error message was not displaying for some users.
  • [00004437] Resolved the issue where carriers could not see the breakdown of the cargo information, per stop, in AscendPortal for some users.
  • [00004428] Resolved the issue where users were receiving an error banner when attempting to disable an 'Auto-Tracker' job.
  • [00004444] Resolved the issue where users could not select a User/Role on certain pages in AscendTMS simply by typing the user's name.
  • [00004453] Resolved the issue where items could be added to loads even though they were invalid for some users.
Feb 4, 2020


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00001429] Permission Groups - Under the "Settings" menu you will find a new item labeled "Add or Edit Permission Groups" under the "User and Branch Management" heading. This new management area now allows administrators to add, change or remove "Permission Groups" and then select from a list of over 50 permissions that can be added or removed from the "Permission Groups". The "Permission Groups" can then be added to, or removed from, your users. Your users can have more than one Permission Group to help refine which permissions they can have or not have. "Permission Groups" will allow owners and administrators of their AscendTMS the flexibility to control permissions down to a whole new level. WATCH THE QUICK TUTORIAL VIDEO BY CLICKING HERE.
  • [00003849] PCG Integration - Added some enhancements to the PCG factoring integration.
  • [00004120] Load Documents - Added "Carrier Confirmation (Signed)" as a Doc Type when uploading documents to loads, customers, carriers, locations, etc.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00001330] QBO Integration - Resolved the issue where the tag indicating that a bill has been exported to QBO was disappearing under certain circumstances.
  • [00003736] QBO Integration - Resolved the issue where the "Duplicate Error" message was removing the "Exported" label from previous exported transactions.
  • [00002605] AutoTracker - Resolved the issue where users could not add a Driver's Name or Driver's Mobile Number to the "AutoTracker" modal if there was no driver assigned to the load previously.
  • [00004011] AutoTracker - Resolved the issue where the driver's cell phone number wouldn't update when a user changed the driver's name.
  • [00004114] QBO Integration - Resolved the issue where users could not map Customers properly to QBO if the customer's email address was not valid.
  • [00004125] Load Posting - Resolved the issue where some loads that were posted to SmartCapacity would not clear from the "Externally Posted Loads" tab after being unposted.
Jan 9, 2020


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00004033] Load Management - The top part of the Load Management page will now "collapse" when users scroll down but they do not lose the footer at the bottom of the page.
  • [00004038] Load Management - Users can now sort the 'Customer' column.
  • [00004034] Load Management - Users can now sort by the 'Reference #' column.
  • [00004036] Load Management - Modified the 'Load Status' column to sort by the order they appear in the 'Load Status' list in "Settings".
  • [00004039] Load Management - Users can now sort by the 'Driver' column.
  • [00004086] Load Management - Relocated Load Management's 'Customize Table' and 'Customize Tabs' buttons to a new settings area on the Load Management page as well as added a notification banner.
  • [00004100] Load Management - Relocated Load Management's Simple Financial Reporting capabilities to "Search Loads" and "Load Reporting"
  • [00004078] FourKites - Removed the requirement that a Driver Phone #, Power Unit# or Trailer # be provided when sending load data to FourKites.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00004077] Load Management - Resolved the issue where Load Management was not updating unless refreshed when loads where being "Canceled", "Archived", or sent to "Accounting Management".
  • [00004035] Load Management - Resolved the issue where you could not Search By Date in Load Management.
  • [00004056] Load Management - Resolved the issue where the hover function was not displaying all of carrier's info when users hovered their mouse over the carrier's name on Load Management.
  • [00003991] AscendPortal - Resolved issue where the AscendPortal Tender Emails said "Canceled" and not "Tendered"
  • [00004020] Reporting - Resolved issue where the message "Overwrite existing report" was appearing when renaming an existing report.
  • [00004025] Reporting - Resolved the issue where users could not save a report if the only search criteria selected was a branch name or list of branch names.
  • [00004066] Reporting - Resolved the issues where the selected report name in the drop-down menu would not clear out when a user clicked the "Reset Criteria" button.
  • [00004080] FourKites - Resolved the issue where some users could not enable the FourKites tracking.
Dec 20, 2019


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00000236] Automated Workflow Engine - NEW FEATURE! The Automated Workflow Engine is a new feature that allows companies to setup automation rules based on specific events that happen in AscendTMS. Automate your day-to-day activities like Load Status updates based on Check Call statuses, allow/disallow entities from being added to loads based on "Credit Hold" or "Do Not Load" statuses, show if carriers/drivers are late to pickup or delivery appointments, allow/disallow users from performing certain tasks based on the load financials, and more. To learn more about the Automated Worklow Engine click here.
  • [00000295] Load Management - Optimized the "Load Management" page's overall performance. Added the ability to scroll within the load table vs. scrolling through entire page. Moved the "Font Size" and "City/State" settings to the "Customize Table" settings area on the "Load Management" page. Added additional performance enhancements.
  • [00003208] Load Management - Added a new tab to the "Load Management" page labeled "My Loads". This tab will filter all the loads that are assigned to yourself as a user/role. For example: When a load is assigned to you with any role (Load Planner, Dispatcher, or any role you may have) these loads will automatically appear on the "My Loads" tab.
  • [00002333] Accounting - Added ACH as a payment option for customers and carriers.
  • [00003134] Reporting - New Feature! Added the ability to create/save/edit/delete report filters under "Search Loads" and "Load Reports". Now users can create a report, name it, save it, and then use that report in the future.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00003939]Accounting - Resolved issue where some Quickbooks Online users were seeing a red growl that says "The user must contact Admin to get Admin Permissions" when trying to use the Quickbooks Online integration.
Sep 30, 2019


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00003399] Load Posting - AscendTMS is now integrated with TruckerTool's SmartCapacity. This integration allows freight brokers/3PLs and shippers the ability to post their loads, view available trucks, and to track their SmartCapacity loads. To learn more about this integration please click here.
  • [00003400] Load Posting - You can also view your posted loads in SmartCapacity by clicking the "View Available Trucks in Smart Capacity" button on the 'Carrier/Asset Info' page in your loads.
  • [00003401] Load Posting - The SmartCapacity integration will automatically update key data after the load has been posted. Here is the list of items that will auto-update to your SmartCapacity load: Stop Location, Stop Date/Time, Driver Phone #, Power Unit ID, Trailer ID, and Carrier Info.
  • [00003559] Load Posting - With SmartCapacity, once you add a carrier to your load SmartCapacity will automatically update your SmartCapacity load to "Covered".
  • [00003402] Load Tracking - The SmartCapacity integration also allows you to receive live tracking updates directly into AscendTMS on your SmartCapacity loads. Just "Enable Auto Tracking" on each load you would like to track.
  • [00003235] Load Tracking - The KeepTruckin integration now supports OAuth 2.0. You may update your login credentials at your convenience under "Settings" / "Add or Edit Load Tracking Settings".
  • [00002825] Load Tracking - Added the ability for freight brokers/3PLs/carriers to link their customer's FourKites loads to their AscendTMS loads to allow for tracking.
  • [00003413] Load Tracking - Added the ability to set the Customer ID for FourKites tracking for users that have enabled FourKites tracking.
  • [00003414] Load Tracking - Added the ability to set the CustomerID to Final Delivery or FourKites tracking for users that have enabled FourKites tracking.
  • [00003464] Load Tracking - Removed requirement that Carrier be onboarded with FourKites prior to the user enabling FourKites tracking in AscendTMS.
  • [00003530] Load Funding - Updated the TriumphPay URL under your "Carrier Payment Settings"
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00003358] Resolved the issue where posting loads from the 'Shortcuts' menu was using the final destination as the first delivery on loads that had multiple deliveries.
  • [00003466] Resolved the issue where users were getting sent back to the "Dashboard" under unique user operational scenarios.
  • [00003495] Resolved the issue where certain address formatting was not updating TriumphPay through the integration.
Aug 14, 2019


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00003475] AscendPortal - AscendTMS is pleased to announce the addition of a carrier portal that we call AscendPortal. 3PL’s, brokers and shippers can invite their carriers to a new module where those carriers can receive load tenders, accept/reject them, update statuses during transit, send messages, and upload documents. These carrier updates are instantly reflected in the AscendTMS user’s account Please click HERE for more details.
  • [00003475] AscendPortal - Added the ability to invite carriers to link to your portal using the "Link carrier via AscendPortal" button on the carrier profile page under the 'View Carriers' menu. You can also "unlink" a carrier with this same button of the carrier has been linked previously.
  • [00003475] AscendPortal - Added the ability to configure and send both email notifications and AscendTMS messages when carriers make updates to loads in AscendPortal. This ability exists under 'Configure your alerts' in the 'Settings' menu.
  • [00003475] AscendPortal - Added the ability to map carrier updates made in AscendPortal to automatically update Load Statuses of your loads in AscendTMS. This feature can be found under the 'Settings' menu and it is labeled 'AscendPortal Settings'
  • [00003475] AscendPortal - Administrators can choose whether or not carriers can Schedule Stop Dates/Times or Reorder Stops via AscendPortal. This feature can be found under the 'Settings' menu and it is labeled 'AscendPortal Settings'
  • [00003475] AscendPortal - Administrators have the ability to set the default time as to when load tenders expire if a carrier does not accept or reject them in AscendPortal. This can be set on a per carrier basis or default the timer for all of your carriers. This feature can be found under the 'Settings' menu and it is labeled 'AscendPortal Settings'
  • [00003475] AscendPortal - Added the ability to map truck status updates made in AscendPortal to automatically update Truck Statuses of your loads in AscendTMS. This feature can be found under the 'Settings' menu and it is labeled 'AscendPortal Settings'
  • [00003475] AscendPortal - Added the ability to electonically tender a load to a carrier via AscendPortal by using the "Tender Load to Carrier" button located on the 'Carrier / Asset Info' and 'Financial' tabs of your loads once the carrier has been linked via AscendPortal.
  • [00003475] AscendPortal - Added the ability to also electronically tender a load via AscendPortal by using the "Tender Load to Carrier" button located on the 'Carrier Confirmation' preview page.
  • [00003475] AscendPortal - Added the "Linked via AscendPortal" column to the 'Carrier List' under the 'View Carriers' menu. This will display a "chain link" icon if your carrier is linked via AscendPortal.
  • [00003475] AscendPortal - Added the "Send Updated load to Carrier" button to the 'Carrier Info / Assets' and 'Financial' tabs on your loads. This will be used when you make a change to load after it has been tendered to your carrier via AscendPortal.
  • [00003475] AscendPortal - Added the ability to view financial requests made by your carriers via AscendPortal on the 'Financials' tab of your loads.
  • [00003475] AscendPortal - All load updates made by your carrier via AscendPortal are recorded under the 'Load Log' and the 'Accountability Log'.
  • [00003475] AscendPortal - Created a new application called AscendPortal that is located at this URL This is the place your carriers will go to create their AscendPortal account, accept/reject load tenders, provide updates, upload documents, send messages, etc. To learn more about this new application please click HERE
  • [00003475] AscendPortal - Added the ability for the carrier to receive an invite via email to either create a new AscendPortal account, or log into their existing AscendPortal account.
  • [00003475] AscendPortal - Added the ability for the carrier to Accept or Decline the invitation.
  • [00003475] AscendPortal - Once in the portal, carriers can view load tenders.
  • [00003475] AscendPortal - Carriers can accept or reject load tenders.
  • [00003475] AscendPortal - Created the ability for carriers to add other members of their team to AscendPortal as users.
  • [00003475] AscendPortal - Included a "Help/Learn" section that explains how to use AscendPortal as the carrier.
  • [00003475] AscendPortal - Created an email alert for load tenders that includes the details of the load and a link to open AscendPortal.
  • [00003475] AscendPortal - Added several tabs in AscendPortal to assist carriers in keeping their loads organized. These tabs include 'Tendered Loads', 'Canceled Loads', 'Rejected Loads', "Active Loads', and 'Archived Loads'.
  • [00003475] AscendPortal - Carriers can add thier assigned driver(s) to their loads in AscendPortal.
  • [00003475] AscendPortal - Carriers can view and schedule stop dates and times on loads in AscendPortal provided you grant them permissions to edit the schedule.
  • [00003475] AscendPortal - Carriers can reorder the stops on the loads in AscendPortal provided you grant them permissions to do so.
  • [00003475] AscendPortal - Added the ability for carriers to request or propose financial changes in AscendPortal that you can view and approve in AscendTMS on a per load basis.
  • [00003475] AscendPortal - Carriers can upload documents to loads in AscendPortal which will be automatically included in your load documents in AscendTMS.
  • [00003475] AscendPortal - Carriers can send messages from AscendPortal that will be viewable by you in AscendTMS on a per load basis.
  • [00003475] AscendPortal - Carriers can update truck status and provide truck locations in AscendPortal which can be viewed under your Load Logs in AscendTMS. They will also update your Load Statuses if you mapped them accordingly in AscendTMS.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00003462] Resolved issue where users were unable to customize Load status on the 2nd page of 'Edit your drop down lists'.
  • [00003268] Resolved issue where the "Last Contact" column on "View Loads" was not updating when the Driver responded to a "Tracking Message".
  • [00003466] Resolved issue where users were getting sent to "Dashboard" and getting "Permissions Error Messages" when deselecting a load on the "View Loads" screen and then selected "Edit Load".
Jun 18, 2019


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00002811] Load Posting - Integrated with C4's Booking Assistant. Click HERE to learn more about Booking Assistant.
  • [00002812] Load Posting - Added "Posted Rate" field to the Load Basics page on loads.
  • [00002814] Load Posting - Added a Posting Status for Booking Assistant under the C4 column on the Load Management screen.
  • [00002816] Load Posting - Added "Get Carrier Offers" menu option to the Load Actions bar on loads.
  • [00002817] Load Posting - Added the "About Booking Assistant" page to the "Get Carrier Offers" menu item if a user is not connected to C4.
  • [00002969] Load Reporting - Added several new columns to the "Financial Load Summary Report" on the Load Management screen. Columns include but not limited to "Gross Profit/Loss", "Gross Profit/ Loss %", "Total Income", "Total Expenses", "Weight", "Deadhed Miles".
  • [00002918] KeepTruckin - Added the link the KeepTruckin Marketplace on the KeepTruckin user credentials page.
  • [00002948] KeepTruckin - Modified the instructions on the KeepTruckin user credentials page.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00002863] Resolved issue where the "Financial Load Summary Report" was only reporting on the page of information that was in view and not on all pages of the Load Mangement screen.
Mar 15, 2019


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00000285] Load Tracking - Added the ability to track your own assests via KeepTruckin ELD devices.
  • [00002738] Load Planning - Replaced load mile calculations from Google miles to PTV Group miles. PTV Group calculates true truck miles based on equipment type, low bridges, weight capacities, etc. This offers our users more precise load planning, more efficient IFTA miles calculations, and more options for route planning. To learn more about PTV click here.
  • [00002739] Load Planning - Updated the interactive map on the 'Edit Stops' page of loads with PTV Group. This allows customized routing for users by using a pin drop as a waypoint.
  • [00002825] Load Tracking - FourKites users can now update FourKites loads from AscendTMS that were created by the shipper in FourKites directly.
  • [00002855] EDI Loads - Customer Reference numbers that are included in EDI tenders will now auto populate the 'Customer Reference#' feild on the 'Customer Reference' page on loads.
  • [00002826] Accounting - Enhanced TriumphPay options on the 'Bills' page under the 'Invoices/Bills' area of Accounting Management.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00001676] Resolved the issue where duplicated carriers were being created under unique conditions.
  • [00001789] Resolved the issue where the Date Selector was being blocked by the Tool Tip on Load Reporting, Search Loads, and other screens with that same date selector.
  • [00002374] Resolved the issue when users were copying 'Pay Items' from one Driver to another Driver on the 'Drivers' page.
  • [00002364] Resolved the issue that was allowing users to add "false" carriers to loads. The system will now prevent a user from typing in a carrier name that doesn't exist in their database and adding that carrier to the load by mistake.
  • [00002865] Resolved the issue where HTML code would appear in the 'Carrier Name' drop down list on the 'Carrier Info' page of loads under unique conditions.
  • [00002102] Resolved the issue where Deadhead miles were not appearing on the IFTA report for some users.
  • [00002829] Load Posting - Adjusted the load posting methodology for DAT to accommodate new field requirements (weight and lenght) by DAT.
Feb 6, 2019


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00002641] Commission Management - Added the Invoice Paid Date on the Commission Management screen.
  • [00002606] Load Reporting - Added the User Names/Roles to Load Search results on screen and the CSV export files.
  • [00002416] Load Reporting - Added the Bill Date column to Load Reporting CSV export file.
  • [00002332] Load Reporting - Relocated NOA Stamp to top of Invoices for TBC linked users.
  • [00002613] Load Posting - Added C4 to Load Posting.
  • [00002415] Load Reporting - Added the Invoice Date and Bill Date columns to Load Reporting screens.
  • [00002615] Load Posting - Added C4 login credentials to "Add or Edit your Public Load Board Settings".
  • [00002621] Load Posting - Added C4 to the Externally Posted Loads tab on Load Management.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00002678] Resolved the issue where the Invoice Date was not displaying properly on Load Report CSV export files.
  • [00002040] Resolved the issue where the & symbol is added to the branch names, it prevents the branch from being found.
  • [00002512] Reformatted the Driver Pay PDF to prevent information from being cutoff on the right side of the page.
  • [00002628] Updated United Capital Funding factoring settings and links to new Phoenix Capital Group.
Dec 20, 2018


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00002249] FourKites - Enabled FourKites tracking on loads through API integration. (Must have a FourKites account).
  • [00002244] FourKites - Added "Add or Edit Load Tracking Settings" area to the 'Settings' page. This is where users can enter in their FourKites credentials.
  • [00002246] FourKites - Created a callback URL that displays in the "Add or Edit Load Tracking Settings" area to be used to link your AscendTMS to FourKites.
  • [00002251] FourKites - Created a check to make sure FourKites minimum requirements are met prior to enabling load tracking.
  • [00002254] FourKites - Displays the FourKites Load ID on the FourKites load tracking page when tracking is enabled.
  • [00002236] FourKites - Added SCAC field to the 'Edit your company info' area for FourKites integration.
  • [00002312] FourKites - Created a Settings/Relationship mapping page for users to map their AscendTMS customers and carriers to their FourKites customers and carriers.
  • [00002592] Accountability Log - Added an "Accountability Log" that records user updates on certain fields and load actions on a per load basis. Added the "View Accountability Log" links to the Load Shortcuts and Load Actions menus.
  • [00002415] Load Reporting - Added the Invoice Date and Bill Date columns to the Search Loads and Load Reporting screens.
  • [00002586] Load Reporting - Added the ability to search/filter reports by User Names assigned to loads.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00002553] Removed the "Add or Edit Carrier Verification Settings" menu option from the Settings page.
Nov 21, 2018


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00002480] Complete overhaul of carrier verification replacing Avagree with our brand new internal system.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00002408] Widened the search field on the EDI log.
  • [00002234] Replaced a missing icon on the load actions bar.
Nov 7, 2018


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00002478] Added an error messages when C.H. Robinson returns new error codes based on Carrier's T-Number.
  • [00002520] Allowing the Commodity field to contain free-form text (i.e. not limited to drop-down values)
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00002475] Changed C.H. Robinson's Load Board Settings page to require T-Number for Carrier Advantage Program loads.
  • [00002513] Resolved issue on the C.H. Robinson User-Specific settings page where it indicates that User-Specific settings are being used, even if they aren't.
Oct 31, 2018


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00002229] Load Management - Added a new column on the Load Management screen labeled "Users & Roles". This column displays the users that have been assigned to loads along with their roles. You can filter your Load Management screen by User Name or Role simply by typing in either in the "Search the Load Board" field.
  • [00002415] Load Reports - Added a "Search" button to Load Reports/Search Loads screens. User can now enter in all of their search and filter criteria first, then click on the search button to pull their desired report. This makes the entire process more efficient.
  • [00001822] Searching Load Boards - Carriers can search publicly posted loads from C.H. Robinson alongside DAT, and C4 under "Search Load Boards".
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00002406] Resolved the issue where invoices were not rounding cents properly for some users.
Oct 23, 2018


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00001340] Asset Management - Added several new fields to Power Units and Trailers profiles under Assets.
  • [00001349] Asset Management - Added the ability to log maintenance records under Power Unit and Trailer profiles.
  • [00001348] Asset Management - When a user records a maintenance item, the appropriate fields on the asset profile form is automatically updated. Fields like Odometer Reading, Last Oil Change Date, Last Tune-Up Date, Last Service Date, etc.
  • [00001360] Asset Management - Added several new fields to Driver profiles under Assets.
  • [00001365] Asset Management - Added the ability to log driver violations and infractions under Driver profiles
  • [00001744] Load Reporting - Added the ability to search loads by Invoice Date.
  • [00002367] EDI Log - Added the ability to search for Rejected Tenders in a given date range.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [002304] Fixed an issue where users could type free form in the Load Status field on the Load Basics tab instead of using the drop down list.
Oct 3, 2018


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00001919] Accounting - Added the ability to select which expense line items are related to load Bills when entering them in the Accounting module. In addition, users can now export two separate bills, from separate vendors/carriers, on the same load in an IIF file to be exported over to Quickbooks. Each bill will have their own financial line items associated to them.
  • [00001850] EDI Loads - Added a new menu item under EDI/Tenders labeled EDI Log. The EDI Log allows users to search and view all EDI transactions per load. Users can search by Load Number or Reference Number to view the transactions.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00002329] Added some improvements to the EDI load tenders screen.
  • [00002306] Resolved issue where decimals were not rounding properly on Load Financial items for quantities.
Sep 10, 2018


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00001820] Load Searching - Added an integration with Cargo Chief/C4 to our existing Load Searching feature.
  • [00002141] Load Searching - Added C4 option to the Load Searching screen with the ability to toggle the search from On to Off or from Off to On.
  • [00002147] Load Searching - Added a button to allow carriers to bid on load from C4 brokers and shippers.
  • [00001980] Load Searching - Users can now double click on load results to review more details such as bond information.
  • [00002151] Loads - Updated the Load Actions bar and changed the option labeled "Search DAT/" to "Search Load Boards for your next load".
  • [00002149] Menu Bar - Updated the Loads menu and changed the option labeled "Search Truckstop/DAT" to "Search Load Boards"
  • [00002071] Load Posting - Added an integration with NextLOAD for free load posting.
  • [00002069] Load Posting - Added NextLOAD authentication fields to the Public Load Board Settings area to allow users to link their account to AscendTMS.
  • [00002073] Load Posting - Added NextLOAD columns to the load posting window and Externally Posted Loads tab. This column is visible after the user links their NextLOAD and AscendTMS accounts.
  • [00002078] Load Posting - Added NextLOAD columns to the Unpost window.
  • [00001243] EDI Tenders - Made the Customer and Pickup/Delivery fields mandatory so that users cannot leave them blank when building a load from an EDI Tender.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00002307] General performance enhancements.
Aug 20, 2018


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00002097] Edit Stops - Blurred out the maps on this page until a user clicks on it to reveal it. This was done to increase performance on this page.
  • [00002132] Edit Stops - Moved the Action and Date/Time columns to the left of the grid. This makes viewing of dates and scheduling of stops more convenient.
  • [00002133] Edit Stops - We now only display one Date and Time field unless a user chooses to enter in date or time range when scheduling stops. This is to make it easier for users that just need to enter in a date and time when scheduling their stops.
  • [00001824] Branches - Under Settings, if a user goes to delete a Branch, the system will verify if that Branch is in use on Loads, Customers, Carriers or Locations. If it is, the user will not be able to delete that Branch until the Branch is no longer used on any of those entities.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00002136] Load Posting - Updated the email address in Settings to
  • [00002093] Archived Loads - Resolved an issue where the load did not show as "Locked" on the Edit Stops page if the load was Archived.
  • [00001972] Load Documents - Resolved the issue where the scheduled date would appear twice on the Load Documents for some users.
  • [00001961] Date Formatting - Updated Load Documents and Load Management to follow a consistent date format.
Jul 30, 2018


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00001880] Load Searching - Added a new feature that allows users to search for loads from in AscendTMS. (A account is required)
  • [00001891] Load Searching - Combined search results with DAT search results for users that have accounts with both and DAT.
  • [00001890] Load Searching - Added a column to the search results page labeled "Source" which displays the icon of and/or DAT which reflects the load board source of the search results.
  • [00001891] Load Searching - The "Source" column can be filtered and sorted.
  • [00001882] Load Searching - Users can select to include, or not to include, either or DAT when searching for loads.
  • [00002015] Load Searching - Changed the menu option on the Load Actions bar to "Search Truckstop/DAT for Next Load".
  • [00002014] Load Searching - Changed the menu option on the Shortcuts menu to "Search Truckstop/DAT for Next Load".
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00001025] Loads - Resolved issue where all options on the Load Actions bar were displaying on Archived Loads if a user viewed the Load Log for an Archived Load.
Jul 19, 2018


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00000218] Loads - Added new functionality to Edit Stops which includes the ability to "Split Loads" to support scenarios such as Drop and Hook, change Drivers in the middle of a load, and change trailers and/or power units in the middle of a load.
  • [00001940] Loads - Added "Date Windows" for scheduling stops. The date windows will display on load documents.
  • [00001377] Loads - Moved the functionality of the "Review Route" and "Schedule Stops" tabs to the "Edit Stops" tab to simplify the load building process.
  • [00001377] Loads - Added the ability to edit routes simply by dragging and dropping the existing route in the displayed maps on the "Edit Stops" tab.
  • [00001377] Loads - Added "Driver Instructions" under Scheduling Details area of your Stops. Driver Instructions will display on load documents.
  • [00001377] Loads - Added the ability to order stops in any order such as Pickup, Delivery, Pickup, Delivery as well as the ability to build round trip loads.
  • [00001377] Loads - Added the ability to choose which stop's information will display on customer documents such as invoices on the Edit Stops tab.
  • [00001377] Loads - Added the ability to view route segments or "legs" on the Edit Stops tab.
  • [00001377] Loads - Added a new column to the Load Management screen labeled "All Stops & Actions" that displays all stops in the same cell. Pickups, Deliveries, Change Driver, Change Power Unit, Change Trailer, etc.
  • [00001698] Loads - Reworked the IFTA process to accommodate the load building process.
  • [00001848] Loads - Updated Driver Pay to support the load building process.
  • [00001658] AR/AP Report - Added the ability to delete duplicate invoices or bills from the report.
  • [00001372] EDI Loads - Created a new "Create your alerts" area under Settings that allows EDI users to set alerts for their incoming EDI load tenders.
  • [00001493] Messages - The Messages menu item is now duplicated at the top of every screen as well as being at the bottom of the menu bar.
  • [00001333] QuickBooks Online - Added the ability to send over a carrier's Tax ID to QBO from AscendTMS when transferring transactions.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00001746] Customer Invoices - Added the Weight field to Customer Invoices.
  • [00001671] Driver Pay - Resolved issue where cancelled loads appeared in the Driver Pay report.
  • [00000795] IIF Files - Resolved issue where the invoice date was not reflected properly on the IIF files for some users.
  • [00001689] Load Reports - Added the Load Status column to the file export from Search Loads and Load Reports.
  • [00001693] Load Management - Resolved issue where users would return to the Dashboard when logging a Check Call from the Shortcuts menu.
  • [00001313] Triumph Pay - Updated the Triumph Pay instructions on Carrier Confirmations for users who pay their carriers through Triumph Pay.
  • [00001610] Load Log - Resolved issue where the driver's name was not displaying properly in the Load Contact Log when a Check Call was recorded.
  • [00001266] Customers - Clarified that the main address is the .Billing Address. used on documentation.
  • [00001757] Check Call - Fixed issue where data was copied from previous check call.
  • [00001693] Check Call - Fixed issue where link to Log Check Call sometimes redirected to the Dashboard.
  • [00001078] Check Call and Loads - Fixed issue where time picker was blocking time field.
May 11, 2018


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00001133] Accounting - Added the ability to mark Carriers as 1099 and then send that information to Quickbooks Online when a new carrier has been added and the bill has been exported to QBO.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00001585] Load Managment - Updated the Load Status column to sort by the order in which the Load Statuses are prioritized under "Edit Your Dropdown Lists" in Settings.
  • [00001584] General - Resolved a minor compatibility issue with Internet Explorer.
Apr 16, 2018


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00001187] Driver Teams - Users now have the ability to add two drivers to a load for the purpose of putting Driver Teams on loads.
  • [00001224] Driver Teams - Added the ability to select one or both drivers when sending a Text Message.
  • [00001225] Driver Teams - Users can select either driver when logging a Check Call.
  • [00001228] Driver Teams - Users can select either driver or both when using "Request Documents from a Driver".
  • [00001222] Driver Teams - Users can send a Tracking Request to one or both team drivers.
  • [00001223] Driver Teams - Users can select Driver 1 or Driver 2 or both when using Auto Tracker.
  • [00001230] Driver Teams - Added the ability to search by Driver 1 or Driver 2 on Load Reporting.
  • [00001231] Driver Teams - Added the ability to search by Driver 1 or Driver 2 on Driver Pay screens.
  • [00001229] Driver Teams - Added the ability to search by Driver 1 or Driver 2 on the Load Management screen.
  • [00001292] Driver Teams - Both Driver 1 and Driver 2 appear in the Driver column on load report exports.
  • [00001373] Driver Teams - Updated load documents to properly reflect Driver Teams if assigned to loads.
  • [00001226] Driver Teams - Driver Confirmations are generated for each team driver for driver pay purposes.
  • [00001221] Driver Teams - Driver Pay has been updated to account for separate financials for Driver 1 and Driver 2.
  • [00001227] Driver Teams - Updated the load document email process to accommodate Driver 1 and Driver 2 to ensure proper load documents are sent accordingly.
  • [00001225] Driver Teams - Both drivers are displayed in the Driver column on the Load Management screen (if assigned).
  • [00001288] Asset Groups - Added the ability to Add/Edit/Delete Asset Groups to the system.
  • [00001298] Asset Groups - Asset Groups will only appear if Carrier Features are enabled.
  • [00001295] Asset Groups - When adding a new asset to a load and then saving it, it will create a new asset in the user's asset list accordingly.
  • [00001299] Asset Groups - Added an Asset Group column to the Load Management screen. This column can be visible or hidden.
  • [00001289] Asset Groups - Users can select an Asset Group on a load as well as everywhere else a Driver/Power Unit/Trailer can be selected in the system.
  • [00001297] Asset Groups - Created a "tool tip" to explain Asset Groups on the Carrier Info page of all loads.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00001129] Driver Pay - Driver Pay items now sort in alphabetical order.
  • [00001256] Branch Management - Resolved the issue where branches with like names would appear together in the same filter.
  • [00001326] Routing - Resolved issue where miles were not getting calculated for some users on specific loads.
  • [00001133] Load Documents - Resolved the issue where the time window was not displaying on the Blind Carrier Confirmations.
  • [00001327] General Items - Resolved the issue where certain special characters were creating an error in the Company dropdown list.
  • [00001293] General Items - Changed the Power Unit icon on all related screens.
Mar 8, 2018


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00001283] IFTA Reporting - Added the ability to import EFS fuel purchase files to IFTA reporting module.
  • [00000781] Customer Management - Added a "Credit Hold" option to customer profiles. Users will now be able to mark a customer as Credit Hold. A warning will display on the load when a customer is marked as Credit Hold.
  • [00000374] Carrier Management - Adjusted the "Do Not Load" option on the carrier profile page to not automatically select "OK to Load" when a carrier is created.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00000857] QB Desktop IIF File - Fixed the issue where a carrier's Factoring Company info was not transferring over to Quickbooks Desktop.
  • [00000974] Customer Info - Resolved issue where users could not a select a secondary contact of a customer on a load on the Customer Info tab.
  • [00001189] Customer Info - Resolved issue where the customer notes were disappearing for some users.
Feb 19, 2018


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00001199] IFTA Reporting - Added the ability to import Comdata fuel purchase files to IFTA reporting module.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00001157] IFTA Reporting - Resolved issue where the IFTA Report that was exported didn't group number of loads properly based on fuel type.
  • [00001156] Fixed issue where certain features were accessible from Basic accounts.
Feb 9, 2018


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00000337] Commission Management - Added the ability to bulk update commissions with Approve/Paid/Do Not Pay.
  • [00000784] Load Posting - Added the ability to post loads with past Pickup dates. When a user goes to post a load with an expired/past Pickup date the system will automatically use the current date for posting purposes.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00000773] Branch Management - Resolved issue where Customers, Carriers and Locations where not filtering based on branch selected.
  • [00001032] Driver Pay - Resolved issue where pay items were not being added automatically when drivers were being added to a load.
  • [00001059] IFTA Reporting - Resolved issue where IFTA summary view was not showing fuel amounts based on a fuel import.
  • [00001031] Commission Management - Resolved issue where not all 20 columns were displaying on the Commission Management and Reporting screens.
Jan 22, 2018


New Features & Enhancements
  • [00000796] Load Posting - Updated wording on the User Specific credentials page clarifying the differences between User Specific and Organizational settings.
  • [00000494] Customers, Locations and Carriers - Updated these pages to save user selected number of rows displayed.
  • [00000985] Driver Pay - Updated the Driver Pay Management screen to list names alphabetically.
  • [00000885] Driver Pay - Updated the Driver Pay Settlement sheet to display load reference numbers.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [00000500] Load Management - Fixed the issue where the Pickup or Delivery times were not sorting properly on the Load Management screen.
  • [00000776] Load Management - Resolved the issue where the column sort order was not saving when leaving the Load Management screen and then going back.
  • [00000502] Load Management - Resolved issue where the Carrier Info page could be updated in an archived loads.
  • [00000774] Load Management - Added the new fields on the Log Check Call modal when a user selects either the Shortcuts menu and the Load Actions menu.
  • [00000945] Driver Pay - Resolved the issue where scheduled pay items where being described as a deduction on the Driver Settlements and Driver Pay Management screen.
  • [00000975] Driver Pay - Resolved the issue where the dollar amounts were getting cut off on the Driver Pay settlement sheet.
  • [00001013] Commissions Management - Fixed the issue where certain date columns were not sorting properly.
  • [00000852] DAT Load Search - Fixed the issue where the Search DAT Loads screen goes blank when a user types in the Equipment Class/Type field.
  • [00000938] IFTA Reports - Resolved the IFTA route map going blank.
  • [00000931] IFTA Reports - Resolved the issue where IFTA address lookup fails for non-ascii addresses.
Jan 3, 2018


New Features & Enhancements
  • [9467d6e5] Driver Pay - Added a Driver Pay approval process called Driver Pay Management.
  • [7f575645] Driver Pay - Admins can select date range by Pickup or Delvery date as well as driver names in Driver Pay Management.
  • [ce5e919b] Driver Pay - Admins can mark Driver Pay items as Approved, Do Not Pay or Paid in Driver Pay Managment.
  • [967c76f2] Driver Pay - Driver Settlement sheets can be downloaded as a PDF or printed once approval process has been completed.
  • [4e1a2f2a] Driver Pay - Added a Load Status filter to the Driver Pay Management.
  • [b9289939] Driver Pay - Added two Excel spreadsheet export formats to Driver Pay Report. One supports one row per pay item and the other supports one row per load.
  • [110efa66] Driver Pay - Users can customize columns on the Driver Pay Management screen.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [d58642a9] Fixed the issue where user roles were not auto-adding to loads if assigned to customers.
Dec 11, 2017


New Features & Enhancements
  • [1d4f09d6] Commission Managment - Added the Equipment Type column to Commission Management and Commission Reports.
  • [3191a911] Driver Pay - Driver Pay Items now auto-populate and auto-calculate when a driver with a pay schedule is added to a load.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [6a29c1bd] Fixed the issue where the truck tempature was not displaying properly on load documents if a 0 was used as the tempature.
  • [418ce8bf] Resolved an issue where users could not add a second pickup or delvery location on a load when adding creating the location from the load itself.
  • [355149bb] Solved the issue when editing a text body template where the new text would not be sent to the recipient of the text message.
Nov 13, 2017


New Features & Enhancements
  • [4818f483] Commission Managment - Added the ability for users to customize the column order on the Commission Management and Commission Report screens.
  • [7e4331ea] Commission Managment - Added the Final Delivery Date column to the Commission Management and Commission Report screens.
  • [9670c49a] Commission Managment - Added the Invoice Date column to the Commission Management and Commission Report screens.
  • [e7545514] Commission Managment - Added the Driver Name column to the Commission Management and Commission Report screens.
  • [c7e4d36c] Commission Managment - Added the Load Reference column to the Commission Management and Commission Report screens.
  • [bbe83ad2] Commission Managment - Load References are searchable on the Commission Management and Commission Report screens.
  • [82a95528] Commission Managment - Added the Invoice Status filter to the Commission Management and Commission Report screens.
  • [4a612370] Commission Managment - Added a new export format to the the Commission Management and Commission Reports where each role are in their own columns.
  • [b0d17af3] Commission Managment - Added links to the training videos when no results are present on the Commission Management and Commission Report screens.
  • [3bd29a9b] Texting and Emailing - When users edit the email or text bodies, they will be saves as templates moving forward. Each load document has their own templates.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [93b52b5a]Resolved issue where the same email was showing multiple times when bulk emailing out invoices.
  • [c3f779a9]Resolved a rounding error when entering bills under certian conditions.
Oct 31, 2017


New Features & Enhancements
  • [73c00d2f] AR/AP Report - Added the ability to export the AR and AP reports to Excel.
  • [8400d7e2] Driver Pay - Added the ability to bulk add, edit or copy your Driver Pay Items.
  • [593420af] Driver Pay - Added the ability to bulk add, edit or copy your Driver Pay Deductions.
  • [4ae2c07e] Driver Pay - Users can now copy Driver Pay Items from one driver to another.
  • [1a1bf507] Driver Pay - Separated Driver Pay Items and Driver Pay Deductions to their own respective processes.
  • [d46d416e] TriumphPay - TBC Customers can now connect directly to their TriumphPay accounts through AscendTMS.
  • [63b6fbf2] TriumphPay - Select approved carrier bills and submit them for payment through TriumphPay.
  • [9de00c10] TriumphPay - Users can see the status of the carier bills they have submitted to TriumphPay for payment.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [b3547851] Fixed issue where Percetnage Rates were not populating on loads for Driver Pay Items.
  • [483IF63F] Fixed issue where invoice dates were not appearing on Load Report exports ocassionally.
Sep 29, 2017


New Features & Enhancements
  • [6e9684cd] Commission Management - Added Income and Expense Columns to the Commission Management and Commission Reporting screens.
  • [1da51a2e] Invoicing - Updated the emailing functionality. If a customer contact has not been selected to receive emails on the customer profile page, their email address will display but not be selected on the email recipient page when emailing invoices from Accounting Management.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
Aug 25, 2017


New Features & Enhancements
  • [a2797b65] AscendTracker - Added the ability to schedule AscendTracker requests on a per load basis.
  • [558afe80] AscendTracker - Added the "Enable Auto-Tracking" feature to the load Shortcuts menu.
  • [df6fe924] AscendTracker - Added the "Enable Auto-Tracking" feature to the Load Tasks bar.
  • [7c7a0f6f] AscendTracker - Added the ability to choose the interval to send out Auto-Tracking.
  • [5c4ece47] AscendTracker - Added the ability to enable "Quiet Hours" when scheduling Auto-Tracking.
  • [ce15549f] AscendTracker - Added the ability to Edit or Disable Auto-Tracking once enabled.
  • [013f020b] AscendTracker - Added a clock icon to the Last Contact column to indicate the status of Auto-Tracking.
  • [105b210d] 3rd Party BOL - Added a new 3rd Party BOL as a system generated Load Document.
  • [ec364965] 3rd Party BOL - Added the ability to select BOL Freight Charge type for 3rd Party BOL - Prepaid, COD, 3rd Party.
  • [ca28f02c] 3rd Party BOL - Added the ability to add a 3rd Party Billing Party to a load for the 3rd Party BOL.
  • [0d06400e] 3rd Party BOL - 3rd Party Billing information is saved for future use.
  • [e6a43438] 3rd Party BOL - 3rd Party BOLs are produced for every pickup/delivery destination combination on the load.
  • [88b6192a] 3rd Party BOL - Added new 3 Party BOL terms and conditions editing page for the 3rd Party BOLs.
Gremlins & Other Fixes
  • [0d9576eb] Fixed issue where only one user role was automatically added upon load creation if they were assigned to a customer.
  • [bbb58c5d] Fixed issue with user changes to the dashboard were not saving after exiting AscendTMS.
  • [7cd8c73d] Fixed issue where the "Checks Payable To" field didn't appear like it was saving.


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