Ascend AccuRate
Let’s be brutally honest, shall we. Knowing past truckload rates on a lane is pretty useless to you (unless you’re a history buff, lol). What you really NEED is LIVE and REAL truckload rates for actual live loads that other people are moving right now, or this afternoon, or tomorrow. That’s what AscendAccuRate gives you. You get actual truckload rates from live and real booked loads from the over 6,000,000 loads processed by AscendTMS users annually. We’ll let others give you a history lesson on truckload rates, we prefer to literally tell you the future of them from live, real, actual loads that are picking up today, tomorrow, and the day after. Oh, and the best part is that AscendAccuRate can be totally FREE for you to use - forever !
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Live Current Rates from Over 6,000,000 ACUTAL Loads
For every single lane in North America, we know exactly what real loads are moving for right now, this afternoon, and even tomorrow. These aren’t guesses (like everyone else provides). THEY’RE LIVE - AND REAL – LOADS being moved through their actual TMS systems. AscendAccuRate is the real deal. We can even tell you the trends in any market so you know whether you should lock in a rate right now or keep looking. Yes, we know, it's pretty amazing! It’s also pretty free!

See FUTURE Rates For Later Today, Tomorrow, & Beyond
Past rates are no good unless you just like to study history. While AscendAccuRate can (and will) provide you with historical rates on any lane (so you can look at pretty charts), what you really WANT AND NEED are current rates on a lane AND what the future rates look like based on actual loads booked in the users TMS systems. That’s the real POWER of AscendAccuRate – you can see the future (although we can’t help you yet with the future scores of this weekend’s football games) 😊.

Rate Trends (Up or Down) On Any Lane
We’ll tell you if rates are getting loose or tight in any market based on actual rates that loads are moving for right now in that lane, compared with actual rates this afternoon, actual rates for tomorrow, and actual rates two days or more from now. We compare this for you and give you a live trend in rates so you can decide when to lock in your rate for the most profit. ONLY AscendAccuRate gives you this actual data before you lock in a rate on your load – and we do it for free!

Live Rates For Vans, Reefers, Flatbeds…& More
Some rate services try to give you a rate (well, a guess) based on historical data. That’s bad. What’s worse is they often don’t know what equipment was actually used on that load. Was it a van? A reefer? A flatbed? A bulk load? A hot shot? A cattle hauler? They just don’t know because they just got very old rate data from BOL’s or carrier / broker invoices. AscendAccuRate knows though, because our data comes live from actual loads being moved through tens of thousands of TMS systems every single day. So, we can tell you if the equipment used for that rate was a 48 foot vented dry van with e-track, a 53 foot high cube reefer, a low-boy flatbed, a bulk trailer, a food-grade liquid tanker, or even a two-wheeled 3’ Walmart wheel barrow.

See The Actual Data (i.e. The Proof) That Backs Up The Rates
We’ll tell you if rates are getting loose or tight in any market based on actual rates that loads are moving for right now in that lane, compared with actual rates this afternoon, actual rates for tomorrow, and actual rates two days or more from now. We compare this for you and give you a live trend in rates so you can decide when to lock in your rate for the most profit. ONLY AscendAccuRate gives you this actual data before you lock in a rate on your load – and we do it for free!

Designed For Simple Humans To Use (Not Just Math PhD’s)
Don’t be fooled. Pretty graphs, complex charts, and big words like “algorithm” or “standard deviation” look and sound cool – but they are usually there as an ode to their own ego. They are largely BS, and designed to fool you. Humans respond better to SIMPLE and WELL PRESENTED rate data so you (and your team) can make a quick decision. That’s why AscendAccuRate presents the data in a straight forward manner – so you can make a good decision F A S T.

It's Totally Free For You & Your Entire Team
AscendAccuRate is totally free for UNLIMITED rate searches on UNLIMITED lanes for an UNLIMITED number of your team if you subscribe to AscendTMS! Even if you only subscribe to get access to AscendAccuRate that’s totally cool (literally thousands of companies do). That means AscendAccuRate can be accessed as a completely standalone service so you can get access to LIVE and REAL rates from over 42,000 carriers, brokers, 3PL’s and shippers for any lane and any equipment in North America. AND – YOU CAN TRY IT FREE RIGHT NOW FOR 30 DAYS ON US. Just click HERE (it takes just 13 seconds – we’ve timed it)
THE BOTTOM LINE: If you’re trying to cover a load or book a truck AscendAccuRate gives you THE most accurate current and future truckload rates in the market right now. Period. It’s what everyone uses today to see REAL and LIVE truckload rates because it’s the ONLY live source of truckload rate data from 6,000,000 million live, actual, and real loads. Everyone else gives you useless rates from days, weeks, or months ago. What use is that??? Zip. Think about it – what use are rates from weeks ago if you’re trying to cover a load or book a truck today? So, check out AscendAccuRate on us right now for free. Just click below to get started! It’ll blow your mind.
No Contracts. No Setup Fees. No Credit Card Needed.
This should be the easiest decision you make today!